Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Working With Good Communication

Have you ever heard the phrase "we just can't communicate?" We just don't get along anymore and we never did anyway or what about, she just doesn't understand me. Most people identify communication with the ability to read or write well. This might not be the case as you will soon find out.

How many times have you been to the doctor's office and listen to an educated professional explain something to you that just doesn't make any sense. These people keep asking you, "Do you understand," Am I making myself clear and sometimes out of embarrassment because you don't want to look like an idiot you tell them yes I do understand. This isn't a good way to communicate either.

How do we communicate in a positive way to get our point across? I'm going to share a secret that works time and time again and some very successful communicators use this often. Ask the person you are communicating with if they understand what you just said, if someone is talking to you then use the statement, "Just to Make Sure That I Understand What You Just Said" and then repeat back your understanding of their conversation.

Sometimes just asking a view simple questions and clarifying your understanding can bring great benefits to any communication.

In some countries like Japan for instance you might find them reading your body language more than the words you are communicating with. Sometimes just by the way someone stands or reacts to something you said can give you a valuable insight to what can be understood in the conversation.

Don't forget however this could lead to a misunderstanding also. Again if you think someone understands how you are communicating with their body language, try not to assume that you know for a fact how they are reacting. Always ask them if they understand what you're talking about.

A person is responsible for what he says and to make sure that the other person understands completely the point he is trying to get across. I don't know how many times I have mentioned something to someone only later to find out there was a problem with my communication.

One of the greatest problems in business, marriage and most relationships are poor communication skills. Why not start using some of the simple skills used in this article to help with communication. You will start to see the benefits within a short period.

How do we do it? Why do we do it? And when are we going to change? How do we change our lives to become fulfilling sources of extreme happiness and joy. What is it going to take to open your eyes and finally seek the information you need.

If you're looking for a secret to happiness or a missing piece to the puzzle you quite possibly could find what you're looking for but no guarantees at spiritual books.

Check out Greg Vanden Berge.

Followers Or Leaders

Monday, June 29, 2009

You Are the Move You Make

One of the most powerful lessons I've learned and would like to instill in you is that you are responsible for your success. No one else is. Not your parents, your community, your government, or your friends. It's all up to you. While that may seem harsh, if you reframe it a little, it's liberating.

While it's nearly impossible to succeed without the help of others, once you embrace the idea that you are the driving force behind your own situation, you realize the only person holding you back is you.

The life you live right now is the life you have created for yourself so far. If this life is not what you want, you have to start making the decisions and taking the actions necessary to create the life you desire.

The first decision is to realize that the past doesn't define you. What has happened has happened. If you got fired, dumped, divorced, bankrupted, injured, sick, or born into a family of whackos, guess what? There are countless stories of people overcoming those same circumstances to create wonderful lives.

Look at the past as your school. This school has taught you some important lessons that you can take into the future. The key is to look back on the past without emotion. This is not always easy to do, but imagine you are kind of an experience auditor peeking into the past of a client. Your job is to analyze objectively what happened and why it happened and to extract the most positive lesson possible from the experience.

Maybe, because of self-doubt, you allowed a situation to worsen until something bad happened. Maybe you let a relationship go on for way too long or you put off making an important business call and you lost the account. What happened can't be changed, but recognizing and taking responsibility for not letting that self-doubt control you again will fortify you as you move forward in creating your new future.

If you are unhappy in your current state of life, you can come up with all kinds of excuses, but not one good reason for not creating the life you want.

When I discovered this, it was huge for me.

I was raised in a middle-income family where money was a source of constant worry and argument. My parents spent much of their time under extreme financial tension. Like most people, they were never taught how to manage money, so when they had it they spent it until they were out of control and deeply in debt.

Since happiness is a direct result of the level of control you have in your life, you can imagine the level of unhappiness in a household that was in perpetual financial turmoil.

Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that this is not by any means a condemnation of my parents, whom I love dearly. They loved me and worked very hard to provide for my sister, brothers, and me. They were simply raised in a way that was typical of the post-Depression era. Money was never discussed except to lament how little they had.

Work was described to me as something everyone "hates," and there was never any discussion of the possibilities the world offered. The attitude was that you could not control your destiny beyond deciding if you wanted to drive a truck or wait on tables. My parents and their friends were far more bowling alley than board room.

Success seemed to be reserved for people on television, who all seemed like the heartless banker from It's a Wonderful Life. The rich were people who had sold their souls for money and would throw you out on the street to keep it.

This would probably be a more predictable story if I said that I was inspired by my parents' despair and resolved never to be in that situation. That's partially true. Because money was such an issue, I developed kind of a "hippie" attitude that money was not important and the desire for material possessions was bourgeoisie. In a nutshell, I was clueless about money as well.

Remember, this was the early and mid-1970s. I bought into the idea that I was not going to be rich, but I did not agree to being miserable at my job. My martial arts training provided me with a great outlet for my self-growth. I resolved to teach martial arts for a living. Still, I had no fantasies of growing rich as a result of my teaching.

I just loved to teach and train and, as a martial artist, I was accorded a level of respect and inclusion that was very satisfying to an 18-year-old. Since I had been programmed to believe that financial success was out of my control, I chose instead to control at least how I spent my day. I figured that if I were not going to make any money, I might as well enjoy myself. I chose quality of life over financial possibility, which, as you know now, is short-term gain for long-term pain.

Since classes were at night, I slept as late as I wanted each morning and then trained all day before wandering in to the karate school at about 5 p.m. to teach. It was like being a surf bum in a gi (karate uniform). I was indeed a karate jock and it was fun, for a while.

It was not until I opened my school-almost a decade later-that I started to envision that I could be successful. At that time I began to give private lessons to a doctor, Richard Phares, whom I mentioned earlier. Dr. Phares had already been a millionaire for over 15 years by then. He was an eccentric fellow and loved to sit and talk with me about his views on the world, which included the process of wealth building.

No one had ever discussed these subjects with me before. At the time, I was riding my ten-speed bike to the school because I could not afford a car. He was driving his big car, and it was the first Mercedes I had ever been in. That was when my thinking started to change and my vision of the future began to expand.

Dr. Phares exposed me to a lifestyle of wealth and opulence that I had never dreamed of. At the time, I was getting a lot of local press because of my success with the U.S. kickboxing team in Europe, and I had a TV show, so I was pretty high profile. I was the local karate star. Though I had no money, I was an accomplished athlete who was seen on television every week. I guess that made up for my lack of net worth. Dr. Phares seemed to enjoy introducing me to his associates as his personal instructor, the "world champion black belt."

We met with his wealthy friends and went to his million-dollar home for barbecues with his family. They seemed like normal people to me, not heartless, money-hoarding villains. They donated to charities and volunteered in the community. The main difference was that they openly discussed business and business strategies.

This exposure began to reprogram my thinking with regard to money and what my potential really was. Until that point, I never thought of such a life because I had never seen it or experienced it. It is hard to create a taste for something you have never seen or felt.

It was also about this time a friend of mine came into my office and said, "You want this? It's boring." He threw me a six-cassette audio seminar by Roger Dawson, called Power Negotiating. That was the first of what must be by now thousands of audio and video programs I've learned from. Learning methods of business and how to succeed through these audio programs while expanding my perspective through Dr. Phares' world accelerated my reprogramming and created a strong desire to grow as a person, a teacher, and a businessman.

I tell you this because it was so powerful for me that I can only hope it is as powerful for you. In order to change your outer world, you must change your inner world. I had to change my programming and references in order to begin the process of changing my reality.

By immersing myself in study and seeking out people who had been there already, I began to destroy my self-doubt. I learned how to speak, to sell, to have a conversation, to negotiate, and to succeed.

I began to realize that I was 100 percent responsible for reaching the level of success I desired. I realized that even though Dr. Phares could show me how the rich live and Brian Tracy could teach me how to get there, only I could make it happen. If it's to be it's up to me became my mantra.

I started to develop a "prosperity consciousness." This is a mindset, or heightened awareness, of the great possibilities the world presents. In this realm, the world became a huge menu of opportunities. The opportunities had always been there, but I couldn't see them before. My programming while growing up led me to "poverty consciousness"-the mindset that you will always struggle for money and privilege. "We can't afford that" was the mantra of my parents.

I knew it would be a long, tough road and that no one was going to do it for me. As daunting a task as that was, I also began to realize that, for the first time, I was talking to myself as though it could actually happen. To think that I could actually burst out of the chains of mediocrity and become a success was so radical a thought that it shot right through me.

Once I allowed myself to conceptualize that I could be a success and then followed that with the conscious decision to go for it, my life changed. My outer world immediately began to evolve into a world of opportunities that I had not seen before. It was as though I had been seeing the world in black-and-white, and suddenly the color was switched on. This is the power of making the decision to be a success and then taking full responsibility for achieving it.

The very important truth you must face is that only you can control you. You cannot control the economy or other people or how you were raised. You can only control you. If you do not like what you see in the mirror, you cannot break the mirror to change what you see. You have to change what the mirror reflects. You have to change from the inside out. This is an important realization in transforming your beliefs, which is a critical step in reducing and then eliminating self-doubt.

This is also why, in the first year of a martial arts student's training my emphasis in their training is 90 percent mental and 10 percent physical. I have to change how they see their potential to be a black belt before I can physically train them for black belt. Our life changes, too, must start with how we think. We must change our internal programming.

Chapter Exercise

What circumstances from your past are defining you now? (Loss of job, divorce, injury, dysfunctional family?)



Has anyone else ever triumphed over the same kind of circumstances?


In your role as an experience auditor peeking into your own past, analyze it without emotion and extract the most positive lesson possible.


Name some positive people you could associate with who would expand your perspective on life and your future.



John Graden is a fun, exciting, and inspirational speaker, author, and trainer.

A martial arts master teachers, he is the author of five books including The Impostor Syndrome: How to Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Confidence and Train Your Brain for Success, Mr. Graden has been profiled by hundreds of international publications including over 20 magazine cover stories and a comprehensive profile in the Wall Street Journal.

Presentations include: The Impostor Syndrome, Black Belt Leadership, The Secret to Self Confidence, and How to Create a Life Instead of Making a Living, John has taught his proven and unique principles of success to thousands of people on three continents since 1987.

From keynote presentations for thousands to one-on-one coaching sessions, John Graden is a dynamic speaker, teacher, and media personality who brings passion and entertainment to his presentations.



Dale Carnegie

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Self Improvement and Overcoming Frustration

We all suffer from frustration, and being able to effectively deal with frustration is very important for self improvement. It can be a decisive factor between success and failure.

Frustration can have highly damaging impact on our frame of mind. It can turn a positive person into a negative person. It can inhibit our progress and, in the most extreme cases can completely immobilise us. We can become so wound up with our frustration that we cant think or act rationally, or we can even become aggressive. Our frustration can often exacerbate the situation and create a vicious circle. If we are convinced that our actions are not working, no matter how hard we try, we are much more likely to reduce, rather than increase, our chances of success.

There are countless causes of frustration, and what affects one person may have no impact on someone else

There are no simple answers or remedies. Some people simply give up on what they were trying to achieve. Some people walk away from the cause and go onto something else, and find they can then face the problem rationally when they come back to it. Stepping back from the cause of the frustration and making yourself calm down will help us to see things more clearly.

Persistence and determination can often see us through our frustration, particularly if we first make ourselves calm down. Movement can help - standing up and taking a few deep breathes, or going for a walk can help to clear our minds. Sometimes we may need to look for alternatives we hadnt considered before, or totally different approaches. There are times when we may be out of our depth, in which case we need to recognise this, and be prepared to ask for advice and support from specialists that can help us.

All successful people have to deal with plenty of frustration as they progress towards their goals, this may even be one of the biggest reasons for their success. Their frustration with their poor results or lack of success may have been so great they were driven to set goals and inspired to work hard at achieving them. They almost certainly learned strategies and techniques to deal with their frustrations, which allowed them to overcome their problems and be more productive, which definitely contributed to their success.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

About The Author Garry Zancanaro is the creator of http://www.SuperSuccessLibrary.com a collection of outstanding and life changing Success and Personal Development Resources, and the founder of http://www.SelfImprovementDirectory.com where you can claim a FREE copy of THINK AND GROW RICH.

Positive Attitude: Your Choice Of Friends Matters

You heard from many people and read from many books that having a positive attitude is very important as it is a foundation towards success and it will makes your life easier. But the reality is that in your life, you will sometime face some problems and difficulties. Your surrounding will not help because you will face with a lot of people who has negative attitude and the media is always full of negative things. So what kind of people that you always associated with play a part on whether you will have a positive attitude or not and decided on whether you will reach your goal or not.

Friends are very important as there is a saying that no man is a island. If you want to have a positive attitude and always have a positive thinking, then the choice of your friends will be very important to you. As you will always be interacting with your friend, you will subconsciously be influenced by your friend.

For example, you are with a group of friends who have a negative attitude towards life. What they will always tell you will be the negative things. If you want to do something and you ask for their opinions, they will just tell you that it is impossible. If you do not have your thinking, you will just feel that it is impossible too. This will not be good for you because you will never dare to do anything different from your friends.

What kind of thinking that you have in your mind is actually a kind of energy. When you are always surrounded by negative energy, you will be affected by it. So what is the best solution to this problem. It is simple and it is to mix around with more people who have a positive attitude towards everything. You will soon be influenced by them and you will have a positive attitude.

The interesting thing is that you will never see successful people with negative attitude but you will always see successful people with positive attitude. Successful people always mix around with positive thinking friends. That is the reason why they are so successful. So be selective of who your friends are and have the kind of positive thinking that you richly deserved.

Zack Lim is the owner of http://self-improvement.atspace.com providing information on positive attitude. To get Free 7 Days to Positive Thinking course, go to http://self-improvement.atspace.com This article is free for republishing by visitors provided the resource link is retained

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Transform Your Good Intentions Into Real Results

It seems to be the custom in our society to use the unwrapping of a new year's calendar as an excuse to turn the page on an area of our life that we are not happy about. However, in reality, I notice that the gym, always full during the first week of January, gets strangely quiet by the end of that first month.

Why do most resolutions fail? Do resolutions really work to create lasting change?

The cause of many failed resolutions is the attempt to modify behaviors without realizing that the root of our results resides in our thoughts, attitudes, assumptions and beliefs about the world: how we define our personal truth.

Our unconscious truth is that we want instant gratification, without sacrifice, effort, or pain. We want the magic bullet that will make our lives the way we want them, right now. We want change while staying in our comfort zone. We deserve what we want!

Change is essential to who we are. To thrive as living beings, we need to continuously evolve and grow. We need to change to be in sync with the world around us. Change is good, change is vital.

We make a resolution when we see that there is a part of our life where the results don't quite match the idealized picture we have of ourselves. The recognition that something needs to change is a good thing. Stating the resolution consciously, out loud, is an important trigger to start the process of conscious change away from what we don't want and towards something we do want.

Where resolutions fall down is that most people set themselves up for failure. Resolutions are the first part of a system to modify your thoughts, words, actions, character and destiny. However, just saying it is not enough to make the change happen.

What is the best way to ensure that you are building the future you really want, in your life, your career, your relationships, your business, your livelihood?

The most important factor in creating and implementing successful resolutions is to give yourself the time and room to learn a new way of being. Many self-help experts say it takes three weeks to adopt a new habit. They are partly right...it may take three weeks to feel comfortable with a new habit, but it takes six to twelve months to lock it in as a way of life that is automatic for you. That's why clarity, commitment, detailed planning and long-term support are so important.

A resolution turns into a result through a simple process:

a. Intention: describing the result that you want;

b. Strategy: creating a plan to make it happen and gathering the resources you need;

c. Execution: living your plan, integrating new habits and actions, making things happen; and

d. Result: outcome that you assess and feedback to modify any of the previous steps to make the result as close as possible to your intention.

Anytime of the year, not just January 1, is a great time to create a resolution that works. Consciously adopt one new result into your life each year, and you will be creating the future you really want, by design instead of by default. Isn't that worth making a deliberate decision to change, now?

Davender Gupta is a business leadership coach and Certified "Book Yourself Solid" Coach whose mission is to guide passion-driven solopreneurs and beginning network marketers to accelerate their Vision from Passion to Profit. Join the discussion on his blog frompassiontoprofit.com and his main site coachdavender.com He welcomes your questions by e-mail at coach@davender.com or by phone, toll-free, at 1-888-788-8844.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Separating From God

If you quit going to church or your place of worship, would you feel like you are separating your self from the congregation, the people that go to church with you, or do you feel like you would actually be separating from God somehow. I believe some people think that God is actually in the church and if they were to quit going to church, they would actually lose a direct link to God. Most people believe what they are told and follow their leaders.

If you're a Christian, can you answer me this, What Church Did Jesus Belonged to? Was he a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or some other form of Christianity, maybe, just maybe he believed in a different religion altogether. I often wonder if Jesus was a Buddhist or he learned something magical from the Egyptians. It's said that Jesus traveled to other countries, do you think it's possible that he learned some sort of ancient wisdom from a man or woman, instead of being born God.

Is this how he was able to perform the miracles written about after his death?

Jesus supposedly studied the Torah and was considered to be Jewish, but was he really. While Jesus was studying the Torah, did he gain knowledge and wisdom, or was he actually born knowing everything. How can we actually prove that Jesus knew everything?

Does it say anywhere in the New Testament about going to church on Sunday, when Sabbath is actually Friday evening or Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset. Have you ever thought about why they switched days. The God from the Old Testament seem to get pretty mad if anyone did anything on the Sabbath, which was Saturday. One person decided that it would be better to go to church on Sunday and now we call it the Lord's Day. What really happened to the Sabbath?

It often gets a little more confusing, the more conscious effort you put into educating yourself about your religion and others throughout the world.

People often assume that I have separated from God somehow and could be going to hell, because I write some of these articles. I'm hoping that you will do a little more research about your religion and find your true North, your true direction in life, what it is you are actually here to do. Don't follow the faithful blindly, follow the intelligence willfully.

Life of Jesus

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Numerology and The Number 11

Seeing the number 11 over and over in your daily
life can mean many things.

Its possible you have prominent 11 in your
comprehensive natal and, or timing charts, which
would mean the number 11 is especially
important to you.

Its common for people to favor certain numbers, or for
certain numbers to mysteriously show up time and again
in their lives, without even realizing that the numbers are
of great magnitude (i.e., position and, or frequency) in
their comprehensive charts.

Or, perhaps it could be purely a subconscious attachment
to the number 11 for any number of reasons.

An article (see Column link on site) dated January 6th,
2006 posted on our web site features more information
about the phenomenon of seeing the same numbers over
and over (whether it is the number 11 or other numbers).

Our Numerology Decoder Software correctly calculates
Master Numbers, can tell you where in your basic charts
you have them and what they mean in those positions.

11 is a Master Number, as are all double digit numbers,
such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. Master
Number is an appropriate term because the high side
of each Master Number represents rare and exceptional
energy originating from outside mundane reality, far
from the norm. But too often the low side of these
double digits manifests, and operating productively
under the energy is like trying to tame a wild horse,
especially when the person lacks the discipline and
general overall capacity to deal with lifes challenges
in the first place. Difficult personal timing as reflected
by the collective patterns of time cycles also symbolically
prohibits the constructive expression of Master Numbers.

11 is not an easy number, especially for material interests.
You want to avoid heavy speculation, for example, if you
have a lot of 11 energy in your comprehensive charts.
There is a huge potential for loss in high risk material
concerns, depending upon the rest of the patterns in the
natal and timing comprehensive charts.

Some of the more challenging traits associated with
the number 11 may include any of the following (other
considerations in the charts collectively either support
or mitigate the energy): Nervous energy, intense fear,
unpredictability, unrealistic outlook, lack of
discernment, religious dogma, fanaticism, insecurity,
hyper-sensitivity, controversial behavior, overly
receptive and vulnerable to the point of being an easy
target, self-deprecation, low self-worth, health issues,
stagnant energy, vacillation, excessive mutability or
changeability to the point of constantly riding the fence
and lacking true personal convictions, dual nature,
excessive idealism and unrealistic spiritual ideas
resulting in a cosmic fu-fu-based dogmatic outlook,
complex personality, untamed, wild inspiration,
emotional volatility, infamy, extreme behavior, or

On the high side (again, other aspects/patterns
collectively either corroborate, moderate, or cancel
out the qualities), those with heavy 11 may possess
illumination, unparalleled spiritual awareness (if they
are otherwise grounded, as symbolized by the rest of
the comprehensive charts energy), magnetism, vision,
prophetic talent, charm, grace, inventive inspiration,
and they may have regular revelations to help guide
them on their earthly path. They are often natural
channels and mediums, messengers for the Gods, and
they frequently end up well-known or famous
(frequently very famous). Artistic talent is common,
as are big ideas, high standards, strong interest in
metaphysics and holistic healing, humanitarianism,
and public service, often through their work (although
it may not appear directly as public service).

11 pertains to heightened awareness and those with
plenty of 11 tend to get regular shocking insight about
their life and other people. After growing into their talent,
its not shocking any longer, at least to them. While they
are often vulnerable, they see others as they are, beyond
the personas and facades. They must learn to trust their
insight and avoid going with the expected modes of
thought and behavior. Grounding disciplines, such as
meditation, exercise, or artistic pursuits serve them well.
Those who try to ignore and deny their piercing
illumination risk phobias, obsessions, and even

Those with a traditionalist point of view possessing
heavy 11 who expect life conditions that appeal to
society (out of a desire for approval) are prone to
embarrassing life situations. For example, a messy,
very public divorce, or a daughter who comes out of
the closet in a very public way in a part of the world
where expressing ones true sexual orientation is still
significantly frowned upon is typical.

Again, 11 isnt easy. Those with a potent 11 along with
heavy materialistic considerations in the comprehensive
charts, sadly, are often challenged with integrity issues.
Duplicity and deceit eventually gain them infamy.
Kenneth Lay (The former CEO of Enron was convicted
of 10 counts of securities fraud in one of the most
publicized corruption scandals in U.S. history; Enrons
bankruptcy was the biggest in U.S. history when it was
filed in late 2001.) and Manuel Noriega (The Panamanian
dictator was accused of taking payoffs from a Columbian
drug cartel; in the early 1990s he was convicted and
sentenced to 40 years in U.S. prison.) are two prime

Divine revelation is intimately tied to the number 11.
The two columns of the side-by-side number ones
comprising the 11 symbolize a channel from higher

Unfortunately those with plenty of 11 are too often
seen as empty-headed. This is partly because its not
easy being in two places at once under the 11 (easier
with other Master Numbers, such as 22 or 77). They
split their energy between the earth plane and other
dimensions, often-times preferring the latter. Its as if
in their most previous existences, they spent more time
in angelic form instead of in human form. Its natural
for them to psychically tap into the mysterious, unseen
levels of being while generating their phenomenal
visions. However, they suffer from not spending 100%
of their time rooted on the earth plane, and it detracts
from a solid feet on the ground existence.

Number 11 demands that one lives their light, no
matter how good or bad that light might seem to
society. To do otherwise makes their life more difficult
than necessary. A compassionate viewpoint and candid
way of life, living within their ideals, allows them to
effectively spread their vision, fulfilling their earthly

Some great examples of known individuals with heavy
11 energy (in various, prominent positions in the
comprehensive charts) include the following:

*Leonardo DiCaprio, American actor, lead in Titanic,
the biggest grossing film of all time.

*George Patton, American military commander of
WW1 forces. He Claimed he had lived previous lives
as, among others, a Greek soldier and a Roman

*Jackie Stewart, Scottish-American pro race car
driver; one of the most famous race car drivers of all

*Gene Wilder, American comedian and actor. Joined
the army in his 20s and spent two years in the
psychiatric hospital ward, which he later drew upon
for his role in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.

Copyright 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic. http://www.mystictwins.com - http://www.holisticmakeover.com

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Believing In Religions - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Spiritual Christian and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Ivan R Misner
Jimmy Carter

Reflexology - Holistic Therapy

Reflexology is a modality in treatment used to enhance circulation, relaxation and improve ones overall health and well being. By formal definition, it is: "A focused pressure technique directed at the feet or hands." "It is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on different parts of the body which correspond to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body".

Reflexology is not a "new age" treatment, but has in fact been around for thousands of years. There is documented evidence of this therapy dating back as far as 2,500 BC. It can benefit those as young as new born up to the elderly.

Reflexology, in simpler terms, works to stimulate the body's natural electrical energy to help increase the body's circulation. This is done through manipulation, pressure enhanced massage and focusing on various pressure points of the foot or hand. By increasing circulation, one will feel the instant benefits of reduced stress and enhanced relaxation. For those on medication, with medical conditions or enhanced side effects due to treatment; reflexology can improve feelings of overall well being and help to decrease pain or unpleasant side effects from modern medicine. For those practising other treatments in achieving good physical and emotional health, this is a perfect treatment to compliment other modalities as well.

A treatment session will usually last 45-60 minutes where the client will be fully clothed and draped with a sheet for comfort and warmth. It can be administered lying down or sitting up, which ever the client is most comfortable with. The treatment room will be clean, the atmosphere will be calm and usually with soft calming music playing in the background. The benefit of Reflexology over other treatments is that the results of a reflexology session can last up 5 days or more and treatment can be determined by the client on a as per need basis.

For those that have never experienced this type of therapy, it is well worth trying. To find a reputable and highly trained reflexologist, you can start by choosing a reflexologist that has been Certified by the College of Reflexology which practises strict standards and ensures a quality professional.

Don't settle for anything less.

2007 Silvana Rosati-Capizzano

Silvana is a well respected Interior Decorator, International Feng Shui Expert and the Principal of the Award Winning Home & Life Design Firm: Blue Avalon. Along with her years of study in Home Decor and Feng Shui, she has the unique ability of being able create luxurious interiors with balance and optimum energy flow thus creating a beautiful environment of positive energy, balance and harmony.

Silvana also devotes her time to her Holistic Practise at the Dove Spa, Canada. She is a well respected Reiki Master and Certified in Reflexology. Her passion for positive energy and it's effects on our surroundings as well as personally are encompassed in her practise of Feng Shui and Holistic Therapies. She offers Reiki, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Hopi Ear Coning.

Blue Avalon specializes in Interior Decorating, Feng Shui and Abundant Living. Blue Avalon is the publisher of The Blue Avalon Journal; a monthly e-zine packed with ideas, tips and insider secrets! To subscribe, log onto our website today at http://www.blueavalon.com and you will receive a bonus book, The Number One Feng Shui Secret That Will Transform Your Life!

Blue Avalon - "Harmony for your home...Balance for your life http://www.blueavalon.com.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Amish Country - A Great Place to Visit

The first Amish settlements were in Berks County Pennsylvania. The land there was highly suited to farming. During the French and Indian wars their homes were disturbed by raiders and many Amish found safe haven in Lancaster County, PA.

Disputes among the people on the interpretation of the Ordnung caused many families to leave the PA communities and settle in places like Iowa and Missouri. The Ordnung is the oral code on how an Amish person was to live and conduct themselves. Further Amish settlements would crop up around the heartland from European immigrants. Today Holmes County Ohio, Lancaster County Pa and Lagrange Indiana host the largest populations of Amish.

Population, land shortage and Ordnung issues have resulted in Amish settlements spreading into 25 states and Canada. The most recognized Amish are the Old Order Amish who have compromised the least with the world at large.

Many people refer to the Amish as Pennsylvania Dutch but they are actually of Swiss-German descent. Dutch came about by the misspelling of Deutsch, which is a word for the German language. This language is still spoken in many Old Order Amish communities. Amish communities in Pennsylvania are largest in Lancaster County with the oldest settlement in the United States being in the southeast. This is a beautiful county filled with covered bridges and old German architecture. The gorgeous Susquehanna River meanders through the landscape and under the many covered bridges. As far as the eye can see there are lush farmlands and quiet back roads beckoning the visitor with promises of peace and tranquility.

Visit the area's many museums and historical sites like the oldest Mennonite meetinghouse in the country, as well as the farm and hardware store in Witness, a Harrison Ford movie. Enjoy the breathtaking scenery and the local lore by traveling by bus, car, horse-drawn buggy or even a hot air balloon. The food is amazing and there are antiques, furniture, quilts and dozens of other Amish made articles to choose from.

Elkhart and Lagrange County are home to the Indiana Amish communities. You can learn a great deal about the Amish and Mennonite religion and culture by visiting the Menno-Hof, an information center.

Better yet, take a trip to Amish Acres Historic Farm and Heritage Resort. When you finally get to town, there are farmers markets and village shops for your shopping pleasure. Flea markets, auctions, theaters and restaurants are all a great part of any trip to Amish country. Here you can also take horse and buggy trips that will take you to Amish style inns and farmstead shops. No matter how you experience this extraordinary life, do not miss a backcountry tour that will absolutely enthrall you.

In central Ohio, you will find several thriving Amish communities around Holmes County. Get off the main interstate and enjoy a trip to the historic towns of Millersburg, Berlin and Walnut Creek. There are shops where you can find all kinds of Amish fare. Things like handmade quilts, cheese, furniture, antiques and the best food on the planet. Get back to the old way of life by touring scenic farms and quaint homes of the Amish people. Three great places to visit are The Amish and Mennonite Heritage Center, Schrock's Amish Farm and Village or Yoder's Amish Home. The last is an Amish farmstead restored by a couple with close Amish ties. The farm was set up as an educational avenue for outsiders. All this can be seen by buggy, balloon or on a horse.

Leon Tuberman is the owner/operator of Barn Furniture Mart a solid wood furniture store that specializes in handmade Amish furniture for your bedroom, dining room and home office. Barn Furniture's handcrafted furniture is offered in oak, cherry, maple and mahogany in several style including Mission, Shaker, Traditional and Contemporary styles.

John W James

Importance of Goal Setting

The whole point of setting a goal is to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. If you set goals and work toward them diligently, you can have all the things you want. People who set and achieve their goals are people whove decided what they want, committed themselves to going after it, and havent let anything stand in their way short of violating the rights of others.

A proper goal gives you all the incentive you need to grow in your awareness of being a perfect expression of an Infinite power, designed for excellence and abundance. As you become more welcoming and aware of your relationship with God, and of all the potential thats been built into you, youll function more effectively in harmony with the laws of the universe. Living in synch with all of this will yield results youve never dreamed possible.

They say that awareness is curative. It gives deep meaning to life because it spells the end of your robotic existence no more walking in the deep ruts formed by your harmful programming and counterproductive thought life. These old ways of thinking arent ways youve chosen they were planted in your heart when you were young by your parents, teachers, and religious leaders. While some of these programs serve you well, many of them are harmful and ready to be replaced. The old way of living has kept you from a truly abundant life.

But, in order to truly change, your old habits have to be replaced with new, healthy practices. Having a solid goal in place serves as a constant help as you do this. In fact, without a specific goal, youre unlikely to ever make a significant change in your life. While youre on your way toward achieving your goals, you learn to choose which thoughts youll allow into your mind. Youll see the connection between these thoughts, the feelings and attitudes they produce, and ultimately the results they yield. Its not something someone else can do for you.

Ever notice how your life never really stays the same? Youre either improving it or damaging it your actions arent neutral. As a spiritual being, your spirit constantly seeks expansion and greater expression. When this deep desire is thwarted, you experience a feeling of dissatisfaction. That feeling is unpleasant enough to serve as a good motivator. We hate feeling unfulfilled, and work diligently to escape such an unpleasant feeling. Well do pretty much anything to satisfy this need.

This need for fulfillment goes way beyond just things and money although they are important. They give you comfort and opportunity. It goes beyond happy feelings or a sense of peace although theyre important, too. Our drive for complete fulfillment includes these things, but goes so much further its a deep desire for a big purpose, something that catapults you into creativity, into meaningful and effective service.

Great you were created to pursue worthy goals. How do you set them? How do you go after them? What can you do to make sure you achieve these grand goals?

Half the battle with goal-setting is determining exactly what it is that you want. Sounds easy enough you answer that question just fine at a restaurant, on your birthday, when you get your hair cut. But when it comes to the big what do you want question, minds go blank. We dont know whats okay to ask for. Whats too much? Am I overreaching? How am I going to feel if I ask for something thats beyond possibility?

Wow, such bad programming we pick up! Ask any little kid what they want to be when they grow up and youll hear answers like: the President, an astronaut, a gazillionaire, a cat, a rock star. Nothing seems impossible; nothing seems like itll come back to haunt you if it doesnt work out.

Deciding what you want is risky. Telling someone else can feel uncomfortable. You might feel like youve got to preface it with something like, Please dont tell anyone Can you keep a secret I know it sounds crazy, but But you know what? People who set and achieve awesome goals are risk takers theyve learned to be. They know that theyve got the privilege and duty to design their own lives, make their own decisions. They dare to dream, and dream big. The power is in going after what you want, not in going after what you need.

Think you dont have what it takes to meet your goals? Then heres some great news youve already got everything that could ever be necessary to produce amazing results in your life. Youve got access to all you need whether you see it right now or not. So, dont worry about that as you choose goals. Assume you have every resource you need, right at your fingertips because you do.

Andrew Cocks and Terry Zambri are Certified Life Success Consultants, Network Marketing and Internet Marketing Coaches. Their exclusive 3 step marketing system, combined with their unique home based business training program is creating massive success for their team. Visit: http://www.AndrewAndTerry.com/incomeaccelerationsecrets.html to learn how you can be coached by them for FREE.

Copyright, MMVVII- AndrewAndTerry.com. All rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Numbers in Feng Shui and the Fortunate Number 8

There has been so much discussion about feng shui with the Olympic Games in Beijing and in particular the symbolism and meaning of numbers. It was interesting to hear western broadcasters repeatedly refer to the fortunate number "8". So Let's talk about the number 8 in feng shui terms. Presently, we are in what is called a period 8 cycle.

Cycles in feng shui are 20 years in length and the period 8 cycle began in 2004. The number 8 is associated with the northeast mountain, the earth element and the life aspiration of knowledge. We are careful not to place a water feature in the northeastern area of the home or property during period 8 because the water element competes with the earth element and in feng shui we are seeking to harmonize the elements. The numbers 1 through 9 are associated with the compass directions and their corresponding elements (fire, wood, earth, metal and water) plus the center of the home.

Because we are in period 8, the numbers 9 and 1 also having increasing energy. One aspect of the feng shui assessment is to analyze the numbers in each area of the home and harmonize the elements associated with them. For example, let's say the bedroom has a 3/8 combination. 3 = wood and 8 = earth; wood controls earth. In this 3/8 combination, the 8 is in the wealth/ career position and can be interpreted as 3 wood controlling or dominating the 8 earth wealth/career energy in the bedroom. As a consultant I would recommend to my client to place a red accent (perhaps a red candle) in this area of the home. The red candle or red accent serves to burn up the 3 wood and add to the 8 earth alleviating the dominating cycle of the elements and releasing the wealth/career position of the 8 earth.

This is one feng shui factor I always address when I am on a consultation. What is the number combination based on? It is based on the home's year of construction and the compass direction. On my website there are step by step instructions on how to take a compass reading (see Feng Shui Compass Instructions ). These are considered the "permanent" numbers and are part of the home's energy matrix. If you are able to supply me with the compass reading according to the instructions given and the year of construction I will send you a Customized 1 Page Report recommending which elements will harmonize the number combinations in the 8 areas plus the center of your home. The cost is $10.00.

To summarize, the fortunate number 8 being highlighted in the mainstream media is associated with the present 20 year cycle, known in feng shui circles as Period 8. The northeast part of the home is where the mountain 8 resides and your feng shui placement should include objects of art and accents that are gold. The idea is that you are unlocking the gold from the mountain! It has been a challenging economic year for so many people, particularly in the housing market, but I have to say by giving attention to the feng shui basics you can add to your own stability and support. Many of the powerful things in life are subtle.

MaryAnn Russell is an expert in the field of environmental energy. For over a decade the focus of her research and practice has been on the feng shui factors that truly influence the quality of people's lives. "The focus of my practice is to make feng shui relevant, practical and useful so that people can gain the greatest possible benefit from their living spaces." MaryAnn is the author of The Feng Shui Factor Modern Homes Ancient Blueprint. ISBN: 978-1-4218-9965-7 - Available at 1stworldpublishing.com and Amazon.com

For more tips, video presentation, purchase book go to:
MaryAnn Russell

Wood Post Repairs

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Council of Nicaea Conclusion - The Origins of Christian Belief

In the year 325A.D the emperor of Rome, Constantine gathered a group of church bishops and other leaders who believes in Christianity. The purpose of the meeting was to define the true God for all Christians and eliminate any confusion within Christ's church.

By the end of this council, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit were considered one and the same. Before the council, there was confusion about, whether they should believe in one God, two gods or three entities.

Here's a statement from got questions, a popular Christian website, "The Council of Nicea affirmed the deity of Jesus Christ and established an official definition of the Trinity-the deity of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit under one Godhead, in three co-equal and co-eternal Persons."

This was a pretty interesting article, if you've got time to read it, I would also suggest checking out Wikipedia for more information about the Council of Nicaea.

Here's Some of the Problems I Have with This Small Group of Proclaimed Christians.

If I'm reading this statement correctly, a group of people or religious leaders, 1700 years ago decided that Jesus, God the creator of everything in the universe and the Holy Spirit are the same. What does this mean to you? To me it establishes as a fact that a group of men, at a meeting, under the control of the Roman empire and the Emperor Constantine, made an agreement within the Council of man, not gods, that the Trinity was now a fact.

If this one thing was created by a group of men, doesn't it get you thinking about other things in your religion that might be false or even misleading. These are some of the facts that most Christians tend to either ignore or don't even have a clue that they exist.

I believe more Christians and other organized religions should inspire their followers to learn more about how their religions were formed and where they came from. I cannot verify that the Council of Nicaea ever took place, I'm basing this information on historical writings from man, that I either gather on the Internet or through books. I don't know if any of this is true or false, always use religion responsibly.

I don't need to believe the information, I don't need to believes the information in the Bible, I need to research and gather more information and with this information I can make an educated guess, and be happy with that, I suggest you do the same.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing, marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Can Home Selling Books

You May Say I'm a Dreamer

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Finding Something You Don

Growing Your Psychic Powers - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Healing With Your Mind

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Chronic Guilt

What we commonly refer to as 'chronic guilt' could more accurately be described as 'habituated guilt' or 'patterns of guilt'. Because 'chronic' almost implies illness or disease; something we have no control over.

When it comes to guilt, nothing could be further from the truth.

No one is born with feelings of guilt. Guilt must be learned. Over time, it becomes habituate. Which means patterns become laid in the subconscious. Usually this happens in childhood, but the 'chronic guilt' can last a lifetime if no steps are taken to end it.

But before it can be ended, you first need to understand why you might want to keep it around. Even though you were taught and conditioned to feel guilt, you're also getting something out of your guilt. It serves a purpose. It provides a payoff.

When you understand your payoff for feeling guilty, you've just taken the first step to ending it.

In a general sense, we use guilt as a way to avoid the intensity of our own feelings. It's a way to avoid the responsibility of feeling our true feelings.

More specifically, guilt often comes down to anger we don't have a right to have. Somebody gives you a hard time. And darn it - they're right. You're wrong. Rather than feeling the anger that naturally arises - you feel guilty instead. That's one example.

When it comes to chronic guilt - you find yourself continuously creating scenarios where it seems the most appropriate response involves feeling guilty. It becomes a pattern.

You keep finding yourself in situations that 'make' you feel guilty. The settings may change - the people may change - but the energy behind the guilt goes on and on.

"Why in the world do I keep feeling guilty??!", you may ask.

The answer lies with two factors:

1. Your payoff; what you secretly 'get' out of feeling guilty rather than feeling your true, intense feelings that lie beneath the guilt.

Often it's simply a fear of intensity... and a fear of feelings in general. So your payoff would be avoidance - avoiding your own intensity.

2. Your subconscious patterns; which become neurological pathways of 'least effort'.

Just as it's often easier to take the interstate when you wish to visit another city, so it's easier to feel guilt rather than to relish and savor the depths of your true feelings.

Not because guilt is inherently easier. It's not. Quite the opposite, in fact. Guilt took a lot of effort. It never comes naturally. You had to work at it over and over and over.

Guilt took practice. It also required a teacher. You had to be molded and shaped and formed.

Since the training to feel guilt began so early in life, you may remember very little of it. But it's important to keep in mind: your brain started as 'virgin territory'... just waiting for those pathways to be laid. And now, you have many, many different kinds of pathways.

Chronic guilt serves as only one of countless examples.

When you think about it, even your 'payoff' for guilt sources itself in your subconscious pathways. So even when you WANT to end the guilt, it seems impossible. Not because you're weak or defective, but due to the nature of the subconscious.

Your subconscious seeks consistency. And the consistency is enforced by your neurological pathways. But there are ways to change. It starts by looking at your own unique payoff for feeling guilty. Understand how it contributes to the problem Then work on creating new pathways.

By creating new pathways of 'least effort' you'll naturally feel your true feelings rather than the current default of chronic guilt.

You create new pathways in two main ways:

1. Develop the habit of making powerful choices.

One powerful choice can change your life. In fact, it already has. You made many powerful choices and decisions as a child which profoundly shaped the direction of your life.

2. Work with your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious exerts a powerful influence over your life right now. It's hard to fight it. You'll be much better off working WITH your subconscious - harnessing and directing it's power.

If you feel chronic guilt, and you can't seem to change it - then you're seeing an example of the power your subconscious holds over you.

Fortunately, your subconscious can become one of your greatest allies in life. Don't fight it. Let it serve you- as it was intended to do.

To learn how to work with your subconscious, as well as learning about powerful choices, go to http://www.create-reality.com

To learn more about getting rid of guilt, go to http://emotional-times.com/2008/08/getting-rid-of-guilt.html

Mark Ivar Myhre, The Emotional Healing Wizard

Hope In Religion

Friday, June 5, 2009

Understanding Faithful Religious Followers

How can you honestly understand someone else's opinion if they sincerely differ from yours? For years I have been trying to understand the beliefs portrayed by organized religions around the world. Whenever someone is explaining part of their religion to me and I bring something to their attention, about their religion, and they don't know the answer, their replies always seem to be based around faith. You just need to believe.

I've been asking people for years, why do you believe? The answers vary from time to time but the essence of the answers are similar. Our conversations seem to start out with a few facts, which leads us into a friendly discussion about their religious beliefs and how they were formed. Whenever I start to dig a little too deep or ask some of these people questions that they don't have the answers to, the conversation always ends abruptly and the word faith always seems to appear.

I feel like this is the easy way out for religious believers.

I'm sure that they get frustrated with me, asking them questions about their religions, that they can't answer. Most of these people won't even bother to find the answers for themselves either, this has often irritated me, but at the same time I think I understand. Most people want to be a part of something but won't take the time to be involved in it. Living a life based on a little information, a lot of hope and the rest completely immersed in faith, seems like a life that is lived without questioning the most important thing in your life.

If I went to a place of worship and asked this question "What's the Most Important Thing in Your Life?" I would imagine most of these people would tell me it was their God or gods. God seems to be the main focus on their lives but they don't seek to understand how he came to be, why he doesn't help the poor, why won't God communicate with us, or even something as simple as understanding some, at the least 10% of your religion.

I don't believe there's anything wrong with living a faithful life. I have faith in things that are out of my control and am still seeking answers to their origins and existence. The sun, Earth, air, water and even God. I suggest to religious, nonbelievers and spiritual people all over the world, to gather a little more information about your beliefs, if they are indeed important to you.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Heal Your Life

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility . It's based on overindulgence

John Townsend

Monday, June 1, 2009

For the Best Spiritual T-shirts - Full of Faith T-shirt Expressing How You Feel About Jesus

This started about 4 years ago when I was at church hearing the preacher say when God is with you all things are possible no matter how it looked. that word started stirring me up on the inside. I know I wanted to started my own business but what. I know I had drawing talent but I did not know how I was going to put it to good use. I prayed about it everyday asking God I wanted to your my talent to glorify you. it took awhile it did t happen over night.

It was about 3 years later. One night God puta vision of a logo in my heart; I quickly woke up and drew it on a sheet of paper. Still I did not know what it meant at first because I still wanted to use my drawing talent for God. Then it hit me I seen alot of t-shirts but very few that Christian can wear that would express how they felt about God. Then I know I was on to something very special. I took my drawing talent and started making design for the christian to show how much they love God using my talents to focus on Jesus in a way that never been do before.this t-shirts are a powerful witness tool for christian of all ages. there is a t-shirt that will please everyone. but for the most part I just one of many trying to do my part in getting the word out that Jesus is here now and forever more.

My Name is Thomas Gathers born in Brooklyn New York now living Lynchburg, Virginia, with my wife of 14 year Gwendolyn and my 2 year old daughter Brookelyn. I am one out of seven children. My life was not easy, but my parent Annie & Ancil done their better to make sure that we had everything we needed. I had friend but sometime they were up to no good. But when I met my wife for the first time there was something different about her. She had Jesus in her life something I really didn't know about. But the more time I spend with her the more I wanted what she had. Joy, peace, happiness. then that special day on 11/21/01 when I accepted Jesus Christ and the rest is history. My life was changed forever I never know life can be so wonderful with Jesus in it.

Starting With Simple Things