Friday, August 28, 2009

Becoming the Old Woman Full of Wisdom

A woman in society is a very interesting creature. She is a sign of beauty and all the male people want to be associated with her. In the life of a woman, there are many stages. First, there is the beginning stage, when she is born. The female child is a blessing in most societies of the world. Today, their arrival is celebrated as they are ushered into the real world. The girl child will then develop as they reach a stage where information and understanding comes to them. After this, they will enter into a stage where they will start to discover the opposite sex and the power of attraction. This is a crucial stage and many girls do things their bodies have never done. It is the verge of adulthood, however strange and confusing, the lady will enjoy every minute because it is a gateway to new and exciting things until she becomes the old woman. From this stage, the lady will start to look more keenly at the opposite sex as they look out for a person who could be destined for them.

It does not take long before a young man comes calling and depending on the feelings of the lady, she will either accept or deny. When a girl is treated with love and respect from an attractive man, it is very easy for them to say yes. The next transition might be marriage if everything goes well. This is the stage where the girl becomes a woman. They say that this is the stage where ladies learn most. The wisdom will last until they are referred to as the old woman. Life will be based on this institution which is called marriage and a lot comes from it. Children and even wealth of many sorts will come to a woman at this stage. She is not yet the old woman. Sometimes, there will be feelings of inadequacies but, they will pass and if the partners are still committed to the marraige it will last. The woman will then learn to harbor great wisdom that will seek to direct her children. Sometimes, she will be shocked at the fact that a lot of sense comes from her mouth. She will just see herself as the young girl who was mesmerized by the thought of having her own home. At time, she will feel like the old woman but, it is not yet time for that.

A dry season might set in and the husband might begin to change. They will engage in all business that is strange and, people will refer to it as mid life crisis. This crisis will not spare the woman. She will have to undergo her fair share of challenges as she recounts all those dreams she has not yet fulfilled. But at this stage, the children are grown up and some are leaving home. She will be feeling like the old woman. When the kids mature up, little things will not worry her anymore, she is happy observing the success of her children. At some point, the grand children will start to beckon and, she is the old woman. She will be the source of wisdom and guidance to her children. Her words are invaluable. Years of experience have taught her all she needs to know about life. She is the mature older woman. It is pretty exciting going through the journeys of life knowing that you have no regrets.

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