Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Motivation and Positive Thinking - Self Help Tips

There are many ways to improve self-motivation but very few that seem universal.

Many people tend to look at the outside, and tend to ignore the inside where all people hold their esteem. There are 3 simple rules to live by are the three- D's. Desire, Determination , & Dedication. The first step would be to ask if feel the desire to improve yourself! The second step is to put forth effort to overcome. Then finally, you must be dedicated to see to achieving the success that you desire.

If you can remember those three simple- D's, they will inspire so much passion in you to obtain what ever you seek! Motivation is key to what ever we do in life. If we are feeling unmotivated then we feel lethargic. If you are motivated you can really bring excitement and thrill into the most simple tasks. Positive thinking is the key to finding motivation in everything you do! It starts with waking up and thanking the lord for another day. Every day that you wake up, you should have goals to obtain that day. Make it a challenge to yourself that day, you must complete those missions. It will bring more excitement and something to drive your emotions that day.

The four things I try to obtain each day are as follows; Try to make someone laugh Try to read and learn something new and intellectual. Try to exercise and improve your energy. Then try to make a new connection with someone or rekindle an old one. Well I hope this brings some basic motivation spikes that will be implemented for your future success.

Remember that it is all a mindset you need to place yourself in!

"Pura Vida" means pure life in Costa Rica... Now it is up to you to find it!

This article was written by Matthew Gruenke - Please visit my web-site at http://www.mymysterywealth.com
God Bless & Pura Vida

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I enjoyed reading it and especially liked the part about having a goal every day. This reminds me of a book I'm reading called Love Your Body, Love Your Life. It focuses on helping people create lives that they love. As you mention above, "...it's all a mindset that you place yourself in."
