Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some Advice for the Rowie Baker, Listen Very Carefully!

It's Friday the end of another tough week of fighting the good cause on my path to making 2 million dollars. It's an almost perfect day, its warm and the sun is shinning, I'm feeling fantastic, it's amazing what having a bit of sunshine does for your sense of wellbeing, life is sweet.

I can't wait to move to Barbados and have this sort of weather virtually all year round, but that's another story! I sort of get the picture as to why all those guys in Barbados spend all their time at the rum shop!

As part of my usual Friday ritual I head down to the Local bakery for my end of the week treat, you guessed it Rowies. They maybe taste delicious but they are too unhealthy to eat on a regular basis. I want to stay good-looking, young and healthy, so I eat them in moderation.

Rowies to the uneducated may all look the same, but they sure don't taste the same. I like mine soft and fluffy. I asked the shop assistant for four soft Rowies, he was a young Indian guy, that's something new to me, usually in our bakers in Aberdeen, the requirement to get the job is you must be old, grumpy and slow.

He politely told me, they weren't very soft today, but he would give me the softest ones they had, that was something new to me an extremely polite assistant in the baker. What could I do, the next nearest baker was miles away, so I gave him my 1.20 and bought the not too soft looking Rowies, I was desperate for my fix, dam I had earned them.

I rushed home, I put the semi soft rolls in the toaster, they came out even harder than they went in, way too much salt in them for me, I'm too young to die of a heart attack!

Some advice for the Rowie baker, not all of us like hard Rowies, it's the 21st century, do you not have some sort of system for making your Rowies. How difficult can it be to make soft Rowies, you have been making them for decades. Listen, you can make some soft fluffy ones and then make some hard ones, it aint too complicated.

I wondered if Donald Trump or Alan Sugar have these problems, sometimes life is so unfair, but I did what any go-getter does. I walked down to the supermarket and bought some croissants, they were soft and fluffy and tasted absolutely delicious!

If I wasn't so busy becoming a successfully businessman I would go and make my own, but time is precious and that's why you have bakers.

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