Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Most Popular and Effective Stuttering Therapy Treatments

There are now numerous forms of therapy available for people who have a stutter. So which of these types of stuttering treatment are the most beneficial and effective?

A recent survey has suggested that the most popular form of stuttering therapy comes in the form of specialised one-to-one speech therapy courses which are run by people who have previously had a stutter. These courses are normally held over a five-day period however there are shorter three-day and weekend speech courses available.

The fact that they are run by somebody who has previously had this form of speech impediment makes these courses more popular and effective than the more traditional forms of speech therapy. Speech therapists have not lived life with a stutter and therefore can not fully comprehend just what a struggle life can be etc.

A speech course does not suit everybody for a variety of reasons. For example a person who has a stutter may not have enough confidence to attend such a course or may not be able to afford the course fee.

Fortunately there are also a number of self-help stuttering therapy products on offer. This is where a person attempts to overcome their stutter from the comfort of their own home by following a set of stuttering cure techniques. These self-help products include a DVD, an audio book and an e-book.

In the end the survey suggests that it all depends on a person's individual circumstance but that there is normally a product to suit.

One last thing to remember; it is important that there is a continued after service on offer. These are usually offered free of charge and is where people are able to keep in regular contact with the person who is offering the stuttering therapy service, to ask any questions that may arise and to seek additional advice.

Steve Hill is a speech coach from Birmingham; he has a number of websites including: stuttering therapies

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