Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thinking Big - Re-Wiring the Way You Think!

Many of us are taught to believe we are worth a lot less than we are really worth. It's been ingrained in us for our careers and even from college. You may have noticed this mindset in your network marketing business, and your downline. So, maybe it's time to re-wire our way of thinking about ourselves, as taught in the book, and DVD "The Secret". After all, the way we think about ourselves most likely will determine where we end up in life. The people who think big often end up with the big job, big cars, and the big houses while the little thinker ends up with the small paying jobs, old worn out cars and living in Middle America just going through the motions.

It's not that living in Middle America is a bad thing. Many people are very happy there. It's safe, and it's all they have known. It may have been ingrained into their thoughts early in life that they go to college, graduate and get a job. Or, even in some cases college isn't an option. They graduate from high school and start to work at the local plant like their parents did. Some will be happy, while others will always wonder if there could have been something better that they missed.

On the other hand, who is to say that living large is a wonderful thing? Having a lot of expensive things because you can own them doesn't necessarily make you happy. In fact, having a high paying job may not make you happy. Happiness comes from within. How you feel about yourself can determine what you will earn and what you are worth. Some say most people will never earn more than they think they are worth. In other words, people will settle for whatever they think they are worth. It's easier for people to stay in their comfort zone and put up with a job and lifestyle they don't like, rather than take action and change it.

Something we all must realize is we are all 100% responsible for our thoughts and actions. It's not your fault that nobody has told you this, and it's never too late to change the way you think. Many in the network marketing industry think they have to be part of a larger company, which they must sell 100's of products to make small commissions only to be able to cover the cost of their advertising budget. Most people in the network marketing industry have this same mindset they have in the real world, creating a recipe for failure.

Well, it's time to let you know, it's OK to think BIG! Don't settle for a company or network marketing business that limits your growth, doesn't have a logical pay plan, or a duplicatable system for your downline. It's time to think big. Why waste your time selling 300 units of something to make $1000 commission when you can make the same effort and sell 20 units for $1000 commission. The power of positive thinking is real. If you have been lucky enough to read, or listen to "The Secret", you would know this to be true. Think big, and it will happen!

Bill Drapcho is an experienced network marketer who helps beginner and intermediate networkers with new business development. You can find his website at and you can follow him through Twitter using the name wdrapcho.

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