Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Personal Self-Esteem Equals Profits

Since birth we have been taught to obey our elders, watch our manners, work on our hygiene, and a myriad of other behavioral molding characteristics. Though in many instances we are taught and have worked fine for most of us, we nevertheless also forget the freedom to think independently. Therefore, what evolve overtime is the skills to solve problems and address issues of personal self confidence and the faith in ourselves. We get stuck with negativity's and thoughts that hinder creative thinking. Some in many instances begin to development feelings of fear, anxiety, stress, and issues of anger which then lead to frustration and a low level of personal self esteem.

The purpose of this article is bring to light the skills one can develop to deal with the everyday challenges of interactive relationships. Identifying the elements needed to cope with fostering collegial relations with colleagues, friends, and business associates. The importance of identifying a true purpose in this world and that you can be a contributing factor in promoting positive and progressive thinking. Finding the appropriate avenues of being a servant, to help others, and to establish a process for communicating service for the benefit of mankind.

The program of personal self development and leadership presented in my leadership formula addresses the issues that negatively impacts personal growth and progress. It works on personal management progression and output results based on performance and accomplishments. It is done through focus driven exercises designed to make you be a successful business person. The formula of personal self development will in essence make you a success in the business world allowing you the opportunity to help others.

This program of leadership development establishes the key core values for progressive thinking people interested in self improvement, business development, program design and management and the creation of personal self development and leadership models to be an inspiration to your community, friends, colleagues, business associates and future clients.

Dr. Richard C. Baiz is a Doctorate in Business Administration. He is a College and Corporate Personal/Leadership Development Instructor and Coach. Dr. Baiz is an expert in Personal/Organizational Development and Management. Dr Baiz gets his clients top notch successful results fast: Personal and Leadership Development

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