Saturday, April 18, 2009

Five Reasons NOT to Set Goals

Yes, that's my topic in this article. I've heard these reasons, and more, for not setting and pursuing goals. The people that give these reasons really believe them. And, every one of these reasons work!

What does that mean? It means that if you use any of them, they will help you NOT reach your goal!

Reason #1: I don't know how.

A lot of people believe this one. Somewhere along the line they've become convinced that some special training is required before you can set goals and use them to achieve results. Actually, using goals is one of the most natural things you can do. It's an ability that you were born with! What do you do when you decide you want a fresh, home-baked cake for dessert? You find a recipe, follow it, and then enjoy your cake! You had a goal, you took ordered action, and you achieved your result. It really is that natural.

Now, if you want to learn how to use this in-born ability better, there are plenty of us who are willing to help you learn. Just remember that you already know how; now you're just going to improve your ability. In fact, once you decide that you want to improve your ability, you've set a goal. So, take action! Get the help and learn.

Reason #2: My friends/family don't.

You might be right. Perhaps your friends and family don't set goals and pursue them. How are they doing? Are they improving their lot in life? Is their life better today than it was a year ago? Even more importantly, do you want the circumstances in your life to be driven on someone else's values and desires or on your own? Who do you want in charge of your life?

What would happen if you set yourself apart a little and became the first? Perhaps your friends and family don't set and pursue goals because they've never really been exposed to the positive effects of doing so. Maybe they've never known someone who essentially said, "I'm not satisfied with my life the way it is. I'm going to take charge of my life and change my circumstances. I'm not going to depend on someone else to make things better for me!"

Go ahead, become that person. Be the good example to those around you, and show them how pursuing worthwhile goals can improve your life. Maybe you'll be able to help them do the same for their lives!

Reason #3: It's too hard, too much work.

Well, it might depend on the goal you set for yourself! Or, maybe you just don't want the result all that much. That would mean you're looking at the wrong goal. Or, maybe it's the right goal and you really want it. Then what?

In the early 1960s, President Kennedy set a goal for the United States. He declared that the USA would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade! What happened?

President Kennedy set a really difficult goal and the nation responded with...YES, LET'S DO IT! And the rest, as they say, is history.

Setting and achieving goals does take work; there's no denying that. But, if you want something in your life to be different (in a positive way) by this time next year, you'll have to do something to make it happen.

There's an old saying that even a dead fish can float downstream. The fish that wants to go upstream has to put forth some effort. But that fish will probably find fresher water!

Reason #4: I don't want to be tied down to something.

What happens if you set the wrong goal? What if you start working toward something and then find out it's not really what you want? Are you trapped?

No, you're not trapped! Anyone who sets and pursues goals will sometimes find that they've chosen the wrong goal. I've done that myself! Then what? Well, first of all you can change you goals. You're the one that set it; it's your goal. So change it!

As I said, I've done that myself. When I changed my goal, I also realized that I had learned from my experience of pursuing the earlier one. I was actually stronger and knew more because of what I had learned and the work I had done in pursuing the earlier goal. So, now I was actually more prepared to pursue the goal I really wanted.

Reason #5: I might fail.

Yes, you might. There are no guarantees in life. You might set a goal, work hard doing the right things to achieve it, and not make it all the way to the goal. Does that make you a failure?

No, that gives you something in common with all the successful people in the world and in history! Everybody fails at things from time to time. We all know the story behind President Lincoln. He had endured failure after failure before he became president. Then, as president, he still encountered failures. But, nobody thinks of President Lincoln as a failure.

There's an old motto: Try, fail, adjust. That's how you make progress. You set a goal, you do the work you believe will bring success, you check your progress, and you make adjustments to make up for the things that didn't work. Some people call those things that didn't work failures. I don't. I call them integral steps on the way to success!

Just one more thought about this "I might fail" reason. Assume for a moment that you let it stop you from setting and pursuing the goal. You do that because you know that if you try and fail you won't have the goal. Now stop and think for a moment. Will you have any chance at all of having the goal if you don't try? Would that be "failure" too? I thought so.

In closing...

These are just five reasons that some people use as, shall we say, excuses for not pursuing their goals. Don't give in to excuses! Decide what you want and go for it.

There's an old story about two neighbors; let's call them Bob and John. One day John came to Bob's house and asked if he could borrow Bob's axe. Bob said no; John asked again, and again, and again. Finally, John said, "Bob, I really don't understand. Why won't you let me borrow your axe?"

John replied, "Well, if you must know, my wife is in the house baking cookies."

Bob was incredulous! "What does that have to do with my borrowing your axe?"

John answered, "Nothing. But if I'm not going to let you use it, one excuse is as good as another!"

So, before you hang on to your reason for not setting and pursuing your goal, stop and think. Is it a reason or an excuse?

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