Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Operation Pull Your Own Weight Pledge

When you make a promise in writing it carries a lot more weight. Here's an opportunity for you to promise yourself to grow a little bit stronger week after week, month after month, all year writing. Please read it over. Think about it. Then sign it, put it on the wall or the refrigerator as a constant visual reminder of what you expect of yourself. Check it out!

With the goal of becoming a little bit stronger this week than last week, a little bit stronger this month than last month, and a lot stronger this year than last year...

I pledge to...

- Workout two days each week
- For a minimum of 5 minutes/workout (10 minutes/week)
- For one full year, or 52 straight weeks whichever comes first

Functionally and Physiologically Younger

As the result of this commitment I will expect not only to become stronger, but to become functionally and physiologically younger week after week, month after month, for one entire year.

I Will Renew My Commitment

And if at the end of one full year I am significantly stronger, functionally and physiologically younger, I will renew my commitment for another year, year after year as long as I continue seeing significant progress.

Exponentially Stronger

And if the strategy lives up to its claims, I will commit to helping others discover what I've discovered and to take the Operation Pull Your Own Weight Pledge. When and if I do, I also understand that I should expect to grow exponentially stronger as the result. In this light my strength potential is unlimited.

Name and Date

Rick Osbourne spent 17 years as a physical educator and coach. He currently serves as Executive Director of Operation Pull Your Own Weight, ( an informational website whose claim to fame is a strategy that motivates kids to naturally immunize themselves against obesity for life. Osbourne is also a public speaker, and his book "Operation Pull Your Own Weight: A Radically Simple Solution to Childhood Obesity," (on Amazon) shows parents and educators how to motivate their kids to eat better, exercise more, and to naturally immunize themselves against obesity for life. Osbourne a can be reached at

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