Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Make the Life Changing Experience of a Reiki Master Course

In my Reiki Master Course I describe Reiki as multidimensional, because it goes to the core of the imbalance in mind, body, or spirit, the nucleus of the cell, and then moves imperceptibly outward through the tissue balancing and thus healing.

The Reiki (ray - key) practitioner's body is the instrument through which universal energy flows drawn by the magnet of any imbalance in the mind, body, or spirit of the person, animal, or plant receiving.

Reiki Master Course Intro 1

What is Reiki?

Usui Shiki Ryoho (the Usui System of Natural Healing), known as Reiki, is a form of healing and spiritual awakening, received and developed 100 years ago by a Japanese man, Mikao Usui, and brought to the West via Hawaii in 1937.

In summery, it can be stated that the Reiki Therapy is a synergistic combination of 'spiritual healing'
and 'energy healing' techniques, and self-developmental practices.

While the system has been influenced by spiritual and therapeutic discipline, practice and ideals
found within Shinto, Buddhism (and possibly Taoism), Reiki itself has no specific religious

Reiki Master Course Intro 2:

What can Reiki be used for?

Reiki can be used for many ailments like reducing stress, relieving pain, headaches, stomach upsets, back problems, asthma - respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems, sinus, anxiety and many more. You can find treatment suggestions for specific problems under the button "How to use Reiki". (Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.)

There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive a Reiki treatment or a Reiki attunement. As in any healing the first step towards a healthier life is a desire to be healed.

Reiki - a powerful and gentle healer:

* Promotes natural self-healing
* Balances the energies in the body
* Balances the organs and glands
* Strengthens the immune system
* Treats symptoms and causes of illness
* Relieves pain
* Clears toxins
* Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
* Enhances personal awareness
* Relaxes and reduces stress
* Promotes creativity
* Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
* Aids meditation and positive thinking
* Heals holistically

Reiki Master Course Intro 3:

The Reiki principles are essential to our survival!

As a part of the Reiki Master Course you will learn the Reiki Principles, which the founder Usui always gave to his student. These principles are:

Just for today...

- Do not get angry.
- Do not worry.
- Be grateful.
- Work hard.
- Be kind to others.

Think for a moment. If only 1% of humanity would stick to these principles, how would be the world look like today?

Tom OM is a German Chiropractor, Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master.

He is working internationally for more than 20 years in Germany, Italy, USA and now in the Philippines.
He created for you the Reiki Master Course, which includes Reiki Master Attunement, a Reiki Master Manual, Reiki Master Training and a Reiki Master Certificate.

Become a Reiki Master - NOW! Click here to get the FREE Reiki Success Course :


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