Sunday, April 26, 2009

Self Esteem - Mistaken Beliefs and Positive Affirmation

Welcome to the May installment of the Upper Peninsula Life Coaching Newsletter! This month we will be taking a something that effects us all at one time or another - Self Esteem.

When it is good we feel as though we are on top of the world. However when it is not good we can often feel as if we are frozen. That "thing" is of course our self esteem. When our self esteem is low it can often seem as if there is nothing we can do, and if we can do it we can't do it right! This is not true however! I know you are a smart vibrant individual, and by using the steps in this newsletter you can know it too!

What is Self Esteem?

Self esteem is the way that we view ourselves. This can include how we view our physical self, do we like the way we look; as well as how we view our inner selves, do we like who we are as a person? Self image can serve to both help us or hinder us. A positive self-image can serve as fuel to keep you moving through difficult situations; while a negative self esteem acts like a boot on the wheel of a car; the car will run but it can't go anywhere!

How can we improve our self esteem?

One of the key components to improving your self esteem is to identify what concepts you are holding about yourself are harming you and holding you back. Do you ever think:

"I'm SO stupid! Why did I do that?"

"I don't know why I even try, I never do anything right!"

"Of course they dumped me, I'm such a loser who would want to date me?"

If so, then these thoughts are supporting your negative self image. It is important to replace these mistaken beliefs with positive thoughts, or affirmations, that serve to support what a wonderful and intelligent person you are! For example:

"I did my best, next time I will do something different."

"Well even though that didn't work, I am proud because I did the best I could!"

"I am sad that it didn't work out, but I am a good and interesting person who will find that someone who is right for me."

Keep a journal of your negative self thoughts for one week, then think of a positive counterpart to replace the negative thought with. Write the positive thought on cards and carry them with you as a reminder to stay positive!

Nicole Ubinger is a owner and Life Coach at Upper Peninsula Life Coaching. She has a Masters Degree in counseling psychology and offers Life Coaching services over the telephone and internet.

To subscribe to her free monthly newsletter go to

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