Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Secret Nazis Covet the Temple Mount

"Even before the end of this war, I revealed to you the plans for a NAZI UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT, to go underground as a SECRET organization the very moment they lost the war - to lay low...then come forth when least expected, RESTORE GERMANY TO POWER, and go on to finally accomplish their aims in a WORLD WAR III" - The Plain Truth, Sept. 1948.

The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine (Feb. 2000) reminded its international audience that Herbert W. Armstrong wrote those prophetic words long before they were confirmed by Reuters Arthur Spiegelman, who wrote on May 10, 1996: "Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret post-war international network to restore them to power, according to a newly declassified U.S. intelligence document. The document...says an SS general and a representative of the German armaments ministry told such companies as Krupp and Rohling that they must be prepared to finance the Nazi Party...when it went underground."

Ella Steinberg, executive director of the World Jewish Congress stated: "Now that the Nazi secret plan has been confirmed, the central question is whether it has been carried out."

Need we wonder? Considering German hegemony throughout Europe is practically a done deal (with the Vatican's blessing), aren't Herbert W. Armstrong's warnings about the final revival of the "Holy Roman Empire" being fulfilled before our very eyes? Only the deaf, dumb and blind could deny that the Germans have thoroughly carried out their plans!

But what is the German-Catholic kingdom without the crown of Jerusalem? "Woe to Ariel, Ariel, the city where David dwelt!" (Isaiah 29:1). The Vatican covets Mount Zion and the Temple Mount and Europe won't quit until it occupies the eternal capital of Israel! Both the Arabs and the Jews had better beware any European moves into the Middle East.

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

12 Apostles Of Jesus Christ

Can You Imagine Living a Life in Peace

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Feeling Good In Church
Magic Of Believing Book

Life is a Short Rant

Life is short, don't sell your soul, life, and time for money for too long of a period. Don't let little things get in your way of what you really want to do. Stop making excuses about why you can't do something. If you really want something, change it from a "should" and make it a "must".

Life is to be experience and enjoyed. Life is not meant to be spent doing something you don't want to do your whole life. Plan out your life so that you can soon do what you want, and work because you want to not because you have to, that is, if you even decide to work. Everyone is looking for one thing in life: Happiness. So why is it that most people want to cling to things that make them unhappy? The answer is FEAR. Fear of losing that sense of security, which for most of us, is a false sense of security.

Quit doing what the average person does or you will end up living a life that average people live. Be a kid again and dream big. Don't let the limitations of your income bring your dreams down. Plan your life in a way that will let you experience those dreams. By doing so you will inspire those around you. Don't get caught up in making a living instead of designing your life. Don't be one of those people who wake up one day when they're old and say to themselves "what happened to my life?" Letting the little things in life get in the way of big things in life is foolish.

You're probably thinking one of three things at this point (that is if you've read this far). One is "blah blah blah, easy for this guy to say, he doesn't know me, he doesn't know how complicated and hard my life is". Two: "Eh, I'm cool where I am right now, I might not being living my dreams, but I'm comfortable". Three: "I understand where he's getting at, but even if I wanted to live out my dreams, I wouldn't know where to start".

1. Whatever you're facing or going through, there are millions of people who have it worse than you. Stop complaining about circumstances. Circumstances happen to everyone, it's what you do about it that matters. If you keep complaining, you will only end up living a life worth complaining about.

2. Being in the middle is probably the worse place to be. You're not living the life you want to live but your life is not bad enough for you to do anything about it. This is where most dreams are destroyed and lives are ruined. We get comfortable. We start rationalizing "it's not that bad, I have it better than a lot of the people I know". If you want to be average, keep rationalizing. If you want to live your dreams, be honest with yourself. Don't be like the dog that whines because he's lying on a nail but doesn't do anything about it because it doesn't hurt enough. Jump on that damn nail as hard as you can so that it will wake you up and get you moving towards the life you really want to live.

3. Everything starts with you. For things to change, you must change. As long as you have strong enough reasons why you MUST live the life you dream of, the "how-to" will eventually come to you. That determination and undeniable belief that you WILL live your dreams will soon attract people into your life who can help you get to where you want to be. Start surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you and who can see you for who you can become instead of just who you are today. Negative people are energy drainers, dream stealers, life destroyers and you should get as far away from them as possible. Your life will never far exceed the expectations from your peer group. Want to know how your life will turn out, look at your friends. If you don't like what you see, get new friends.

In closing, life really is short. Tomorrow was never promised. No one ever said you will still be alive 5 years from now, or even 3 months from now. The more time you spend on doing things you don't like, the less time you will have doing the things you enjoy. What ever it is you want to do in life, start today, don't delay, make a plan and start right now!

Kevin Ngo is the creator of - a motivational resource website that provides free tools to help people stay motivated long enough to create successful habits in order to obtain their goals. Ready to get back on track? You're one click away.

Backup Plans Feel Good

The History of New Years Resolutions

The tradition of the New Year's Resolutions goes all the way back to 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar.

With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year.

The New Year has not always begun on January 1, and it doesn't begin on that date everywhere today. It begins on that date only for cultures that use a 365-day solar calendar. January 1 became the beginning of the New Year in 46 B.C., when Julius Caesar developed a calendar that would more accurately reflect the seasons than previous calendars had.

The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus, the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances. He was always depicted with two faces, one on the front of his head and one on the back. Thus he could look backward and forward at the same time. At midnight on December 31, the Romans imagined Janus looking back at the old year and forward to the new.

The Romans began a tradition of exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve by giving one another branches from sacred trees for good fortune. Later, nuts or coins imprinted with the god Janus became more common New Year's gifts.

In the Middle Ages, Christians changed New Year's Day to December 25, the birth of Jesus. Then they changed it to March 25, a holiday called the Annunciation. In the sixteenth century, Pope Gregory XIII revised the Julian calendar, and the celebration of the New Year was returned to January 1.

The Julian and Gregorian calendars are solar calendars. Some cultures have lunar calendars, however. A year in a lunar calendar is less than 365 days because the months are based on the phases of the moon. The Chinese use a lunar calendar. Their new year begins at the time of the first full moon (over the Far East) after the sun enters Aquarius- sometime between January 19 and February 21.

Although the date for New Year's Day is not the same in every culture, it is always a time for celebration and for customs to ensure good luck in the coming year.

Ancient New Years

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. In the years around 2000 BC, Babylonians celebrated the beginning of a new year on what is now March 23, although they themselves had no written calendar.

Late March actually is a logical choice for the beginning of a new year. It is the time of year that spring begins and new crops are planted. January 1, on the other hand, has no astronomical nor agricultural significance. It is purely arbitrary.

The Babylonian New Year celebration lasted for eleven days. Each day had its own particular mode of celebration, but it is safe to say that modern New Year's Eve festivities pale in comparison.

The Romans continued to observe the New Year on March 25, but their calendar was continually tampered with by various emperors so that the calendar soon became out of synchronization with the sun.

In order to set the calendar right, the Roman senate, in 153 BC, declared January 1 to be the beginning of the New Year. But tampering continued until Julius Caesar, in 46 BC, established what has come to be known as the Julian Calendar. It again established January 1 as the New Year. But in order to synchronize the calendar with the sun, Caesar had to let the previous year drag on for 445 days.

Global Good Luck Traditions

With New Year's upon us, here's a look at some of the good luck rituals from around the world. They are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity in the coming year.

AUSTRIA - The suckling pig is the symbol for good luck for the new year. It's served on a table decorated with tiny edible pigs. Dessert often consists of green peppermint ice cream in the shape of a four-leaf clover.

ENGLAND - The British place their fortunes for the coming year in the hands of their first guest. They believe the first visitor of each year should be male and bearing gifts. Traditional gifts are coal for the fire, a loaf for the table and a drink for the master. For good luck, the guest should enter through the front door and leave through the back. Guests who are empty-handed or unwanted are not allowed to enter first.

WALES - At the first toll of midnight, the back door is opened and then shut to release the old year and lock out all of its bad luck. Then at the twelfth stroke of the clock, the front door is opened and the New Year is welcomed with all of its luck.

HAITI - In Haiti, New Year's Day is a sign of the year to come. Haitians wear new clothing and exchange gifts in the hope that it will bode well for the new year.

SICILY - An old Sicilian tradition says good luck will come to those who eat lasagna on New Year's Day, but woe if you dine on macaroni, for any other noodle will bring bad luck.

SPAIN - In Spain, when the clock strikes midnight, the Spanish eat 12 grapes, one with every toll, to bring good luck for the 12 months ahead.

PERU - The Peruvian New Year's custom is a spin on the Spanish tradition of eating 12 grapes at the turn of the year. But in Peru, a 13th grape must be eaten to assure good luck.

GREECE - A special New Year's bread is baked with a coin buried in the dough. The first slice is for the Christ child, the second for the father of the household and the third slice is for the house. If the third slice holds the coin, spring will come early that year.

JAPAN - The Japanese decorate their homes in tribute to lucky gods. One tradition, kadomatsu, consists of a pine branch symbolizing longevity, a bamboo stalk symbolizing prosperity, and a plum blossom showing nobility.

CHINA - For the Chinese New Year, every front door is adorned with a fresh coat of red paint, red being a symbol of good luck and happiness. Although the whole family prepares a feast for the New Year, all knives are put away for 24 hours to keep anyone from cutting themselves, which is thought to cut the family's good luck for the next year.

UNITED STATES - The kiss shared at the stroke of midnight in the United States is derived from masked balls that have been common throughout history. As tradition has it, the masks symbolize evil spirits from the old year and the kiss is the purification into the new year.

NORWAY - Norwegians make rice pudding at New Year's and hide one whole almond within. Guaranteed wealth goes to the person whose serving holds the lucky almond.

Chinese New Year

Except for a very few number of people who can keep track of when the Chinese New Year should be, the majority of the Chinese today have to rely on a typical Chinese calendar to tell it. Therefore, you cannot talk of the Chinese New Year without mentioning the Chinese calendar at first.

A Chinese calendar consists of both the Gregorian and lunar-solar systems, with the latter dividing a year into twelve month, each of which is in turn equally divided into thirty- nine and a half days. The well-coordinated dual system calendar reflects the Chinese ingenuity.

There is also a system that marks the years in a twelve-year cycle, naming each of them after an animal such as Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. People born in a particular year are believed to share some of the personalities of that particular animal.

Gary Ryan Blair is the inspiration behind New Years Resolutions Week -

New Years Resolutions Week was founded on the premise, that a single resolution can positively and profoundly create lasting change in your life and help to make the world a better place. To learn more, visit

Gary can be reached for media requests, television or radio appearances and speaking services at 877-462-5748 or by sending an email to

Mark Twain

Multicultural Connections - 3 Tips To Connect People To People With Any Cultural Group

As a personal brand strategy coach, I work with clients helping them unearth their authentic strengths, their unique promise of value and help them connect the dots for their prospects and clients of "the why" in "why do business with me." That authenticity is key to any relationship they are forming, business included. In fact, if you believe that all business is based on relationships. Then understand that the key to all relationships is the relationship you have with yourself.

"Know thyself" stated Shakespeare. And, he is so correct, because it is yourself you bring into every connection. This becomes even more evident in making connections with minority based businesses where even our communication is scrutinized for inclusion, awareness and biases.

"Creating community, awareness and inclusion is our focus" shared Odel Crawford, president of the Texas Association of African American Chambers of Commerce. "Our theme for this month's conference is GROWING BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES IN TEXAS. We realize that there are many issues associated with the development, enhancement and sustainability of minority owned businesses. Of course our focus is on African-American entrepreneurs, however we realize the importance of supporting all minority owned businesses as they are important part of a community's economy."

Mr. Crawford brings out three important points to connecting to any minority business or community and that is to "create community, awareness and inclusion". As a coach, I'm driven to make this into useful, do-able, action oriented activities, so let's go:

  • First is AWARENESS. Are you aware of the many communities within your community? Sometimes, diversity trainers will say that we focus too much on the differences. While that might be true, I believe that the differences are their already and to ignore them is not authentic. And don't we know that in connecting with people, that insincerity can be "read" quite quickly? How many cultures are in your community? Make a list and next to each culture identify if there is a group, organization, or association that represents that culture.
  • Second is INCLUSION. Time for some self discovery. Do you do anything that "excludes" or "includes" everyone in your connections? Self discovery can be challenging however, we are that common denominator in every business relationship we have so we're a critical factor. Diverse connections come in many packages and sometimes it is easy for us to assume that the outside or external differences are the only ones we should concern ourselves with. Remove questions like "what are you?" or "what's your nationality?" and rather use all the great networking questions that the many fine experts of this publication will teach you. Asking great questions, or yourself and others and then listening will provide all the "skills" you need to make great connections.

Spending time in self discovery will also help reveal any assumptions that you might have or make. Assumptions, as we all know, can be quite damaging to reputations and relationships. Rachel Stone, president, of the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and active member of the Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce, shares the surprised reaction she gets and comments made when she meets them such as "Your last name is Stone? Are you married to an Anglo man? Or, wow, how did you get a last name like that?"

Abraham Maslow, the creator of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, found that in addition to the basics of food, water, shelter, air, people have a need to "belong and to be valued." Do you fulfill that need for people when you converse with them? Do you do and say things that make them feel that they "belong" or that they are "valued"?

Here's a quick revealing test to see if you do. Have you ever had someone who has to tell you the story in order to relay the facts to you? Have you ever tried to "cut them off" and give you "just the answer" or "the bottom line information"? If you have, you are guilty of making the person who values "detail and information" feel not valued. Truthfully, have you ever done that to anyone?

As in any networking situation, the goal is to learn more about the other person. The more you know the better the connection you can make. The deeper connection you make the more memorable and visible you become (for all the right reasons). The better the connection the more chance they have to sample your character and competence. The more chance they have to sample your character and competence then the faster trust is developed. Trust is foundational to all great relationships - including business relationships.

Dale Carnegie in his book "How To Win Friends and Influence People" speaks of the rules of engagement. One of the rules is, take a genuine interest in what they're interested in. One, cannot take a genuine interest in someone if they do not know what they're true interest is. It's amazing how often I hear people say, "I think this is what he wants. Or, I know that she wants this." Yet, they've 'not asked the person. They are speaking for this person. How do you feel when someone speaks "for you" and does not check in to see if that's really how you feel? Often the feeling is that of assumptions, being judgmental and even to the point of stereotyping.

So, let's get better at asking some good questions. When you ask great questions you get great answers! When do you ask these questions? When you're at a networking event or when you are meeting someone. Steer clear of asking these in "rapid fire" style or like a 20 point oil check. Do weave them into your coffee conversations. They will put more "meat" into your grip, grin and graze. Here are some to put in your connection bag:

  1. What organizations do you belong to? Or, enjoy spending time with?
  2. What drew you to those organizations? What drew you to this organization?
  3. What have you found to be your most successful times with this organization?
  4. What are some of the barriers that you've encountered as an organization?
  5. What do you enjoy about what you do?
  6. What are some of your favorite activities or events with the organizations you're involved in?
  7. How do you keep yourself connected with others between networking or social events?

The key to great questions is to be silent and listen to the answers.


  • Create COMMUNITY. Bring people together and give them opportunity to feel valued. One of the keys to creating community is to value the people that you are bringing together and that they value you. It is in this "valuing" that you create trust. Trust is a key component to any community and to any team.

Have you ever heard the comment opposites attract? We hear that often especially in the context of couples. And, while in personality style they may be opposites, a closer study reveals that they do share something in common - the same values. Look closely at people in long term relationships and you'll see that they share the same values.

Now, while that is true for marriages and long term relationships there are also some relationships where people do not share the same values but they do share something else in common. They have a shared activity that they enjoy or do together.

As you create community, it can be by discovering and sharing the same VALUES or by having a SHARED ACTIVITY (such as the African American Chambers of Commerce, or the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce) that brings you together.

As this great melting pot world becomes more like the great salad bowl world, you'll see that connecting with minority based networks is more about people relationships that in is about cultural relationships. And, whether their connection is values, generations, experiences or interests, the deepest connections are made people to people.

The true spirit of relationship performance management is to take high performing entrepreneurs and executives from frantic networking to profitable engagement that comes from shedding the limitations of old sales pitches and creating compelling connections. I invite you to discover your personal brand strengths and connect-ability readiness by taking this on-line quiz found at

If you'd like to learn more about succeeding at your personal brand, visit You'll learn everything you need to know from what is your personal brand, how to use what makes you best, and engage others in a way that compels others to speak positively on your behalf and influence their contact sphere to your benefit.

Maria Elena Duron, C.P.B.S., C.N.P. PCC, is Chief Buzz Agent, speaker and coach specializing in connecting high performing entrepreneurs and executives and using what makes them best so they can move from their frantic pursuit to success and balance now.

Luck Is What Happens When

Saturday, May 30, 2009

You Need to Be Able to Help Yourself , before Helping Others

Make Sure You're in the Right State of Mind before You Start to Help Other People, maybe you should watch this video, it could change your life by changing your thinking.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place to develop some life changing skills .

Create Your Day
Believe And Achieve

Need Motivation? Olympian Reveals the Number One Key That Will Ignite Your Motivation Forever

Every four years, millions of people around the world are enthralled by the athletes of the Olympic Games.

But as a spectator what you may not know is that Olympic athletes discover keys to success THAT CAN HELP YOU! True, you may not be able to relate to their god-like physical attributes, but if you're like me, you can relate to their desire to achieve, to reach a goal.

So whether you are a fan of the Olympics, and especially if you're not, you will want to take advantage of the number one key learned by all Olympic athletes. This key will build your motivation, ensure greater success and boost your self-esteem.


We all can agree on the first outcome, and that is TO WIN! Winning means that you achieved better results than anyone else on that day. That's good. The downside of winning is that only one person can win. So where does it leave everyone else?

Most people would say that if you don't win, then you lose. Losing is much rarer in the Olympics than you can imagine. But let's talk about another outcome.

You can BE BEATEN. This is not the same as losing. Being beaten means that you did your very best, but someone else did better than you. Of course everyone wants to be number one, but there is honor in being beaten. How can you possibly do better than your very best?

Think about it. If your very best isn't good enough, then only the impossible will do. What are your chances of achieving the impossible in your life? If there is only win and lose, you are setting yourself up for failure. How much motivation can you muster to continually try and fail? So the key is to include "being beaten" as an honorable outcome.

The final outcome is TO LOSE. In the Olympic world "to lose" means giving up or quitting. It means taking yourself out of the race, or not even trying. How motivating is that? Many people have this all-or-nothing attitude. If they can't win, then they don't try. Over time this attitude is the biggest killer of motivation. How do you operate your life?

To succeed we need a different attitude; we need to believe that doing our best is honorable.

A great story emerged from the 1968 Olympics. John Akhwari of Tanzania, brutally injured his leg during the marathon. The winner had already been declared an hour earlier when John hobbled into the stadium. As he crossed the finish line, the few remaining spectators roared its appreciation. A reporter asked him why he had not retired from the race, since he had no chance of winning. He seemed confused by the question. Finally, he answered: "My country did not send me to start the race. They sent me to finish." Was John a loser? No. HE WAS WELCOMED HOME A HERO.

Another great story you will never forget is about Nick If this story doesn't strengthen your motivation, nothing will!

It's true. The Olympics just come around every four years. And your life, your fitness, (or lack of it) is very, very real. However, if you are like me you appreciate guidance from whatever direction it comes. And this key learned from the Olympic athletes can (and will) insure you emerge from your particular challenges with stronger motivation, greater success, and increased self-esteem. So go ahead! Set high goals for yourself; just remember to celebrate EVERY time you do your best!

Linda Schaumleffel, Olympian and head injury survivor, guides people worldwide with faltering memory or head injuries, by teaching them how to thrive again, strive for peak productivity, and build a hedge against dementia. Get a jump on your own brain health with free special report, "BRAIN FITNESS: The Top 17 Activities That Will Revive Your Brain at Any Age!" at

Writing Or Evil Influence

Six Daily Motivation Tips

How do you achieve a more consistent level of daily motivation? Use the following powerful techniques, beginning at the start of your day.

1. Start The Day Motivated

Have a morning motivation routine. Experiment a bit and see what gets you going. If it has to be coffee, then so be it, although there are probably healthier options. One thing that probably doesn't work is hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock. That just trains your brain and body to pay less attention to the alarm. Try cold showers, energizing music, exercise and anything else that might work for you. Once you find a few things that help you get you ready for the day, work them into a regular routine.

2. Have Worthy Goals

If you have nothing to get excited about, find something. Quit your job, move to another town, make a goal that requires work you will enjoy. You have nothing to lose in your life if there is nothing in it that you want to be doing, so start making changes. Start exploring the possibilities to see which ones might inspire you and make you want to get going each day. Then remind yourself of these important or inspirational goals every morning.

3. Use Fear

We are all motivated by both fear and the promise of rewards, but some of us respond better to fear. You can use this to get yourself moving. In fact, you already do if you sometimes lay there in the morning until the thoughts of what will happen if you don't get up make you finally jump out of bed. Just make it more conscious and planned. Imagine the bad things that will happen if you don't do what needs to be done. This is a very basic psychological technique. You link pain with not acting, so you feel a strong urge to get busy working on your goals.

4. Have Daily Motivation Talks

Almost everyone gets excited and experiences a rise in energy levels when talking about something that is truly important and inspiring to them. This could be cars, self improvement, politics, money or just about anything. Find the "hot" topics that get you excited and start a conversation about them as necessary. This works best if the person you are talking to shares your enthusiasm, but try it with anyone who will listen. Afterwards you should be able to carry that energized and motivated state over to the work at hand.

5. Do Something

Though it may seem ironic, I started writing this article without feeling too motivated (I write more than a hundred articles a year). But I knew that if I just wrote a sentence or two, there would be some momentum created. Sure enough, I am writing easily now, and with some enthusiasm. The point: take any small step. Do anything to start the project or task in front of you - any action towards a goal - and you will feel some degree of motivation building within you.

6. Go Beyond Daily Motivation Tricks

Learn how your brain and body works and you can easily apply that knowledge through "tricks" like those here. However, there is also a natural motivation which arises in us when we are living in a balanced and healthy way. You may be skeptical of the idea at first, but when you see clearly enough what needs to be done, the energy is there. Work on that self awareness and honest inquiry into ones nature, and more and more you'll be able to tap into that natural state of seeing the truth and acting. Then you won't need daily motivation "tricks" or tips.

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more Self Motivation Tips, and to learn more powerful principles that go much further, visit:

Five Things You Should Know

Motivating Others - The Secret!

Can you really motivate others? In a word: NO!

I know that sounds weird coming from someone who makes a living in the business of motivation and engagement in the workplace; but I'm not going to waste your time with lies, platitudes, useless slogans and metaphysical crap. The fact is there is no secret when it comes to motivating others. You can provide external motivation, inspiration and incentive but ultimately all effective motivation is internal. If you want to motivate others you need to employ some simple protocols that are too often ignored by organization leaders:

  • Find out what personally motivates each individual on your team.
  • Empower people with the resources and opportunities that support each person's vision of success & happiness.
  • Make sure everyone knows how important his or her role is in the success of the organization.
  • Hold each person accountable for his or her role in personal and organizational success.

One more thing: Get rid of anyone who will not accept personal responsibility for his or her own success and happiness!

I define power as your ability or capacity to act or perform effectively. Give everyone in your organization the opportunity to perform effectively and the organization becomes more powerful. Simple, not easy!

Too often power is confused with control. Power is not control; control is an imposition of will. Power is effectiveness and a person is most effective when he knows his work is generating personal success and happiness.

But...some managers say it's impossible to know the individual needs of everyone in an organization. Divide and conquer! External motivation is a process of effective coaching and mentoring and that's best done on a small scale. You can manage the scale in two way.

  • Delegate closer contact to smaller groups. Hold each management level accountable for knowing what motivates his or her immediate team.
  • Make some time for nearly everyone you want to motivate. A little meaningful contact makes a large impression.

I'm not advocating an uncontrollable system of appeasement where everyone gets everything he thinks he's entitled to. Control should not be confused with power, but control is necessary to some degree at every level of an organization. Every individual is, however, entitled to at least one thing and that one thing is opportunity. A motivated person who doesn't see opportunity in your organization is going someplace else; you don't want to lose self-motivated people!

An effective organization understands the motivational drives of its people and strives to provide the opportunity for the individual to satisfy his or her drive for success. That drive converts directly to productivity and profit.

  • Understand what motivates individuals in your organization.
  • Establish effective coaching and mentoring that supports individual success.
  • Provide opportunity for individual development and success.
  • Hold individuals accountable for supporting organizational success.

You may not be able to motivate others, at least not on an internal level. You can provide external motivation based on the needs of the individuals on your team. Make sure external motivation is in synergy with those needs and the mission of the organization. Be a motivational example for others and you've got real power!

Jim Bouchard is America's Black Belt Powervator; speaker, coach & author of Dynamic Components of Personal POWER!

Download your FREE white paper: The Actual Value of Motivation and Engagement in the Workplace:
Book Jim for your next corporate event, conference, convention or retreat. Call 800-786-8502

Education Leads To Success

Friday, May 29, 2009

Is Money a Big Part of Organized Religion?

Where do you think most modern day religious organizations would be without money? Is money really a big part of modern day organized religion or is that something in the past. Why do certain scriptures require their believers to donate a portion of their earnings?

Does this money improve the lives of religious believers? I'm asking these questions because most people won't. Most people don't even no where the money they earn is going. If you donate money to a religious organization and they choose to hire someone to install stained glass windows throughout the sanctuary, is this really going to help the congregation. Is this a want or a need?

When does a religious group become too powerful for its own good. Do you think the Catholic religion, which at the time of me writing this article, is the largest organized religion in the world, by itself, is very powerful or driven by finances. This organization has seeked wealth and power for centuries, creating an establishment that has its hands in everything all over the world.

Is it fair to have religious leaders living a life of luxury, while some of their followers suffer and go without food or shelter. Should some of this money go towards the aid of others who choose not to believe in the religious culture of their patrons?

Why do some people give money to their religious organization, even though they can barely survive. Are these people driven to contribute money because someone makes them feel guilty? Some of these people give money and time, even at the expense of their own family. It's just not fair, when I see people who are barely scraping by but give faithfully to an organization that promises them a better life after they die.

Your rewards for living a good life on Earth will be received after you die and are allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does anyone have any proof of this? If you choose to base your life entirely on faith instead of seeking knowledge and wisdom, or even questioning your religious doctrine, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Money plays a big part in organized religion and honestly does a lot of good throughout the world. Christianity has had a large impact on the United States of America but only time will tell if it was a good thing or not.

If you have extra money and desire to give it to a religious organization of your choice, feel free, but if you're giving 10% of the money you've earned and really can't afford to, I wish you would take the time to research what your church actually spends it's money on. If your church is building another church in Mexico but you don't have enough money for food, clothes or other necessities, I would suggest that you let other people donate their extra money instead.

It might not be mentioned anywhere in your religion, but I'm sure your God or the ultimate Almighty power of the universe you believe in, does not want anyone to suffer or go without, because your religious organization chooses to make you feel guilty if you do not contribute a certain amount of money, for whatever reasons they can possibly come up with.

If everyone that believes in this interpretation has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't Jesus be suggesting a life kind of like Mother Teresa but without any money. She wouldn't be allowed to ask any wealthy people for money, let alone use it if she acquired it somehow.

Have you ever ask yourself is there any Hope in Religion .

Would it be safe to a sound that by asking for money from a wealthy person would mean I would not be going to happen. Does it say anything in the Bible about using money from a wealthy person for great earthly deeds and you get to go to heaven but he does not. If this is starting to sound a little confusing, welcome to my world. There are very few people that follow organized religion, that even ask these questions, let alone seek the answers and find the truth and keeping an open mind to future information that possibly could change the old answer that they accepted as a truth but now realize, the possibility that the old information could be wrong.

If you were a religious leader and could not answer some of the major questions that you yourself had, would you continue living a life of confusion or seek relentlessly to find the answers until you are satisfied. Knowing that if you were satisfied with the answers to your questions and now your religious beliefs have changed considerably, would you retire or quit working with the religious organization you were involved with.

This is one of the biggest obstacles for most people that seem to get comfortable in their religious environments. If the interpretations of a you Bible verses are incorrect and can be proven, either scientifically or through translation errors, does this mean that there are more verses in the Bible that could be incorrect or misleading.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Motivational Speech Review

Is the Bible Historically Accurate? Do You Ever Seek Truthful Answers?

I'm going to start with the first book of the holy Bible, Genesis chapter 1 verse one through five. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

And God said," let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

If the Bible is historically accurate, did God actually create earth. I have been battling over this, my whole life. It's very easy for someone to accept and believe in any religion, government, other people or whatever they truly desire to make real. I see it every day of my life, open your eyes and you will see it to.

It's hard to imagine that a superior entity like God created everything that we touch and see. The moon itself is pretty big and the creation of the sun would prove to be a little more difficult, but if you're God and your all knowing and all powerful, he or she or it, must be one incredible being.

This is only the first couple of paragraphs in the Bible and there is no, I repeat no, historical accuracy to this event. It seems like God or man, whoever wrote the Bible, should have started the Bible with something a little more believable for people that live in the 21st century. It's not hard to imagine someone 2000 years ago, believing in something like this.

2000 years ago the Romans were worshiping their own gods, we might find this ridiculous today but back then the Romans would punish you if you didn't worship their gods. We are not too far from that today. If we don't stop organized religion and their influence on humanity, we're going to have serious problems in the future.

The biggest problem I foresee is common sense. If the Bible has 500 historical accurate facts that can be proven without a doubt by historians, scholars and other intelligent people, but has one thing that can't be explained, how do we handle this. How do we handle the fact that the Bible states God created light? If this is false, what else is false in the Bible.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Have you ever really ask yourself Who is, Jesus of Nazareth?

Greg is currently working on a Personal Power Ideas. If you're ever wondering why some people can achieve success, while others seem to struggle aimlessly, what would it hurt, to take a couple of minutes of your time, if you could actually find the truth.

Wants And Desires In Life

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Success Through Inspiration - Reading One Book

Could one book, read by one person change the world. One book written by Henry David Thoreau called "Walden", changed the lives of people in India and the United States of America. These people were treated like second-class citizens and soon were inspired to change because of one person gave them hope that they could.

This man died when he was 46 years old and I wouldn't consider him a world of success at that time but he did live his life, the way he wanted to live it, for the most part. He has inspired great people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King. He had no idea, at the time he was writing the book, the impact "Walden" would have on the world.

He wrote his book on daily experiences that he had living in a cabin for just a little over two years. Two years of his life and he created this wonderful masterpiece. It's amazing how the few hours a day, for a couple of years could create something that would inspire others to become great leaders and provide the world with inspiration.

People for years have been inspiring others to change their lives. If I had to make a list of all the people who had inspired me, it would be pretty long. There are a few books, movies, documentaries and individuals who have inspired me more than others. I'm sure you have lists of people that you look up to also. Changing the world to make it a better place will take individuals who are inspired by others, educated by others and helped by others to become who they are today.

Henry David Thoreau has inspired other people, and was also inspired by others. Never underestimate the success that you can be created through inspiration. Continue to receive your inspiration from great people and provide inspiration for those who need it greatly.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Low Energy People

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Choiceful State of Being

Julia Cameron in her world famous book The Artist's Way writes about, and for, blocked creatives. That describes not just the writers and artists for whom she initially intended her book, but all of us at one time or another. Being blocked is a fearful state of being.

What keeps us blocked and unable to find creative solutions to our challenges is being in this fearful state. It's like a catch 22 - you can't find solutions to your problems because your problems keep you in a state of fear where you can't find solutions to your problems. As I've written before, when you are experiencing fear you are accessing a portion of your brain called the Reptilian Brain.

This part of our brain is the first brain we had in our evolvement and we still have it for a good reason. It allowed us to survive back in the days of dinosaurs and still serves us in our modern day survival.

To this part of our brain everything is either something to flee from or something to fight. Either fight or run. Notice that there is not an array of choices here. In today's world this translates into the form of the threat usually being a person, rather than a dinosaur. We still react the same by either wanting to fight or run away. Now, however, the fighting may be verbal and the flight may take the form of avoidance.

Luckily for us our brains evolved and we now have additional portions of our brain which we can utilize. The cerebral part of our brain is one of these "new" areas and is where we get creative.

It's where we visualize, create, and and are able to find new opportunities as we "see" choices and solutions.

Using our cerebral brain puts us in a choiceful state of being.

When we move our awareness out of the Reptilian part of our brain and into the cerebral cortex we begin to find choices that are far better than the limitation of only fight or flight. We begin to see choices that lead to collaboration, win/win solutions, harmonious relationships, and most importantly, peace.

Sounds great, doesn't it? But when your consciousness is in the limitation of the fear based Reptilian brain, how do you move it into the creative cerebral cortex? It's quite simple, actually.

When you visualize you are automatically moving your awareness out of the Reptilian brain and into the cerebral cortex, activating this creative portion of your brain. Any form of visualization will work. Here's a few suggestions:
  • Draw a diagram or mind map of the situation. Begin with diagramming the issue and as you work with it and your awareness moves into your cerebral brain, you'll begin to see alternatives and choices. Include them in your diagram or map.
  • Close your eyes and envision the situation as if it is on a stage and you are the director. As you are watching the players - including yourself as the star - how might you make changes to the plot for an equitable outcome?
  • Use a visual tool such as a Tarot card. Select a card at random from the deck and describe what's happening in the picture on the card. What are the choices the people on the card have in regards to their situation? How does this relate to your situation?

Living in a choiceful state of being gives you and everyone around you the gift of living in harmony rather than conflict, collaboration rather than competition, and inevitably, peace.

Kathy Wilson helps people get their life unstuck using a multi-faceted approach. She and her clients utilize life coaching, spiritual consulting, NLP, vibrational healing, and teaching... whatever is in her client's highest and best interests. She's a Certified Professional Coach, spiritual teacher, Reiki master, vibrational healer, and author of An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose. For information about her products, services, and classes, visit her websites: and

Creating A Habit

Using Assertiveness Skills to Get the Promotion You Deserve

There will be times in your life when you will work really hard and give all there is to give on a job or project, yet still be overlooked for that promotion. There are many instances wherein people are appropriate for a promotion, but fail to get recognized by their boss, superior, or company.

If you have been in this situation or are in one now, it can be troubling not to mention quite confusing. That's because for as far back as you can remember, you've been taught by your mother, teacher, professor, your mentor that if you work hard, you will be rewarded. And now that you've put in the effort and shown real signs of dedication, you feel as though you've been left out in the cold.

Well, what that advice givers in your life failed to tell you is that sometimes hard work is not enough. Sometimes, especially in the corporate world, you need to learn how to be assertive if you wish to seek career growth. You have to stand up for what you have deservingly earned and assert yourself.

Now, you have to realize, there is a difference between assertiveness and aggression. Aggressiveness causes a person to be hostile and makes them defend themselves in an unpleasing manner. An aggressive person who acts this way usually loses the respect and reverence of his supervisors, and with that, any ability to negotiate.

On the contrary, assertiveness skills have to do with communication development. You try to win your side by presenting the facts and asking for the right deal using the right approach. Being assertive simply means getting what you deserve and still maintaining a level of respect with your superiors.

So how can you use assertiveness skills to successfully get a promotion or raise?

First, you have to be ready. This means figuring out exactly what you want. If you want a promotion, what position do you want? If you desire a raise, exactly how much of a raise do you desire? Strictly no beating around the bush

Being ready also means being prepared to meet with your boss. Know what you are going to say and how you are going to say it. Try to imagine how you would want the scene to play out. Remember that it should be a peaceful, straight to the point discussion.

Second, you have to keep an open mind. Listen to your boss and understand what he is saying. If you disagree with something he or she is saying, keep it in mind but don't interrupt. Let him have the floor and see the situation from your boss' point of you. If you are confused or unsure about any of his statements, ask him to elaborate.

Next, make sure to acknowledge your boss' point of view. Acknowledge that you were listening and that you understand what he said. Communication is effective when the conversation moves back and forth correctly with a speaker, message, listener, and feedback. Give your boss feedback.

Now, it is time to make your point. Let your boss know why you deserve the promotion or raise. Use the 4 C's of successful arguing - be clear, concise, coherent and complete. Do not squeak or ramble. Maintain a steady composure throughout the meeting, interrupting only if the need arises.

Finally, try to come to an agreement with your boss. Again, don't back down nor get too aggressive. Stay relaxed and maintain composure. Be open to a compromise. Compromise doesn't mean you lost, it only shows that you are mature enough and ready to meet halfway. In fact, it is a win-win situation for both of you and that is what developing assertiveness skills is all about.

So if are in a job and you feel your supervisor or company is not recognizing your hard work, don't passively sit around waiting for something to happen. More than likely, nothing will happen. And if something does, it will be you building up negative feelings and attitudes towards your work. Instead, stand up and assert yourself. Use the assertiveness skills in this article to get the raise or promotion you rightfully deserve. You will be glad you did!, Inc. is a self help and personal development company offering quality self help ebooks on numerous subjects from Anger Management Tips to Time Management Techniques to Assertiveness Skills

To learn how they can help you improve yourself, visit them at

Spiritual Benefits

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Teaching Hatha Yoga - General Guidelines For Contraindications

What is a contraindication for a Yoga technique? Why should Yoga teachers and practitioners be familiar with them? Let's look closely at how knowledge of contraindications in the physical practice of Yoga can help you prevent potential injuries.

What is a contraindication for a Yoga technique? A contraindication is a factor which makes a Yoga technique inadvisable. These Yoga techniques are postures (asanas) or Yogic breathing methods (pranayama). The reasons they become inadvisable are related to people with specific health conditions performing techniques, which put them at risk.

A classic example of this would be a student who has glaucoma and performs inverted postures. Due to his or her condition, with glaucoma, there is a risk of going blind, from performing an inverted Yoga posture. Whether a Yoga teacher or student does not know the contraindication, or ignores it, the potential for risk is the same.

Why should Yoga instructors and practitioners be familiar with contraindications? There are many contraindications in Yoga, and teachers should research all of them to avoid putting students in harm's way. In the case of students: Be familiar with the state of your health. Get an annual physical and learn about your precise health condition.

Let your teacher know if you have a medical condition, and make sure that you have done your research about contraindications for your particular health condition. You only have one body. Do not put yourself at risk, when it is common sense to avoid a technique.

In summary, if you teach Yoga and learn of a new contraindication, which is related to any condition, do not ignore it - research it! Find out why and how the contraindication is related to body mechanics. It is better to be safe and too cautious, rather than risky, when it comes to safety.

If your students demand to take risks, advise them to participate in sky diving, skiing, hang gliding, roller coasters, and other activities that give them an adrenaline rush. Yoga, of every form, was designed to enhance every aspect of good health.

It is a great feeling to bond with students and become a "fun Yoga instructor." It is quite another feeling to realize you put a student in danger for the sake of entertainment. A competent teacher has responsibilities - to make sure sessions are safe. Your classes can be fun, but they should always be safety oriented.

Ahimsa, the first Yama, comes to mind. As teachers and instructors, we pledge to avoid harming other beings, especially our students. Every ethics agreement, for Yoga teachers, should mention Ahimsa in relation to Yoga classes, which simply means: "Be sure that your classes are safe."

Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Neale Donald Walsh - Video

I Recommend Watching This Video and Then Picking up the Book If You're Interested in Any Spiritual Change

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Get Something Out Of Worship Or
Prayer Beads

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Time of Accountability

Why is it that the second hand on your watch seems to go around the face quite slowly yet the days flash past, weeks whizz by, the months slip easily one into another and the years well just do not seem to exist, or am I starting to get old.

It is the time of the year when you should look back and take stock of where you were in January; where you are now, how many of the goals you set out to achieve have been reached or are well in progress and how many have fallen by the wayside.

No matter how many fell by the wayside never think that you have failed, you may have a lack of results but the very fact that you set out to achieve something this year placed you head and shoulders above 95% of the population.

So many individuals live by the seat of their pants every day, reacting to situations and blaming the government, their bosses, friends, family and neighbours for their situation. Instead of taking a hard look into the mirror on the wall and asking when was the last time they took full responsibility for everything that happens in their lives.

It does not matter if you wanted to achieve a major event or what may have appeared a minor event in your life the important thing is to decide that you want to achieve something in the year ahead.

Here is a little phrase to study and learn from:-

In order to HAVE you must DO, in order to DO you must BE - BE; DO; HAVE is the order of achievement. So many people get that the wrong way around and wonder why the have a lack of results. They want to have before anything else hence the have now pay later mentality.

What is meant by BE in the above statement?

When setting a goal unless you see in your minds eye a picture of your life as if the goal was already achieved and how it has impacted on you and the people around you, you will never achieve the goal. It is called creating your future history. Best example is that of Mohammed Ali the greatest boxer in the modern era, he used to say "I am the greatest", not "I want to be the greatest". He was castigated at first for adopting this stance but he SAW himself the champion of the world when he stepped into a boxing ring for the first time. His utter belief drove him on.

If you get the BE correct the DO becomes easier. Begin with the end in mind as long as you do that the DO (How) sets itself out. Look if you want to drive to a strange part of the country without the aid of Sat/Nav (that's cheating). You get your road map out, look up where you want to go; when you find it you look around the page to see if you recognise anything, another town or Road, etc. You then trace a route back to my starting point. That way you know where you want to end up, the route you took to get there and where you are at this moment. You cannot do it the other way around. You cannot set off unless you KNOW where you want to go.

When the BE and the DO are in place you have the HAVE, it is automatic. If you set your goals correctly you are guaranteed to achieve them.

You will not have the same situation you have now, a feeling of 'Could do better', just like my old school reports!

To set you on your way here are a few questions you should ask yourself in your annual appraisal:-

1. What were your top ten achievements for 2008?

2. Did you celebrate any of your achievements?

3. If you did celebrate, how did you celebrate and who did you celebrate with?

4. If you didn't celebrate, what got in the way?

5. Come up with a solution for each obstacle you identified.

6. Brainstorm a list of ways you can celebrate and reward yourself for your achievements. Make sure at least a quarter of the items on your list are low-cost or no-cost options.

7. As a result of these questions, what are you committing to? What date do you commit to follow through with your commitments?

8. What would you like to achieve in 2009?

If you feel you may benefit from the support and motivation In The Footsteps of Giants can offer, we welcome you to take advantage of our FREE REPORT. I have been privileged over the years to run a number of training courses helping individuals to discover what they would like to achieve and giving them stepping stones to help them achieve. Ensure that you are able to set your goals correctly by following the very simple method in The Footsteps Of Giants

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Is Mary Magdalene and More Than a Christian Legend - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Do Only A Few Go To Heaven

Positive Thinking - How to Set Yourself Up For a Great Day

While you can't always control what happens to you during the day, you can control how much it affects you. Your own thoughts and feelings are what create your inner reality.And your inner reality is what ultimately affects your mood and sense of well being.You can create the right mindset to keep your inner reality positive.One way to achieve this is to by using intentions and visualisation to set you up for a great day.

First thing in the morning, when you first awaken, spend some time to think about how you'd like your day to go.Think about how you'd like to think and feel, rather than what you'd like to happen to you.Regardless of how many times you've watched "The Secret", thinking about winning a million dollars won't necessarily make it happen. Remember that you can control your reactions to events more than the events themselves.For example, if you have a big presentation at work, you can ask yourself what inner resources you would need to set yourself up for the day. Maybe you'd like more clarity, self-assurance and a feeling of calmness.Or you may want to feel more professional and speak with conviction. Only you know what you need. This is your day that you're setting up!

Grab a notebook and write these details down. Then get yourself in a comfortable position (but not lying down, you don't want to fall back to sleep!). Next take a couple of deep breaths and let your mind settle a little. Then spend a few minutes using your imagination to envision yourself thinking and behaving exactly as you as you'd like to for that day.Many people like to close their eyes to do this so that they can really focus on their visualisation. Make it as vivid as you can, with as many details as possible. Most importantly, allow yourself to really feel as if it's happening right now.Experience exactly how you'd like to feel throughout your day, with all the inner resources that you wrote down earlier.

Once you've finished, you'll be feeling fantastic and completely confident about the day ahead! And as you go through your day, just notice all the positive thoughts and feelings that you have. Each time you recognise that you are using one of the inner resources that you wrote down that morning, you automatically reaffirm those positive feelings.

You don't need to wait for a special event to use this process. In fact, by going through this exercise on a daily basis, you will become better at both visualising your day and accessing your inner resources.

Another great way to access your inner resources is with self hypnosis. Visit today to claim your free self hypnosis download.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jay McGraw's Life Strategies For Dealing With Bullies

My little girl is only four years old, so bullies have not yet been much of a problem. (Except for one bigger boy at the park one day who made her cry, but we never did find out just what he said) However, as someone who also teaches martial arts and self-defense, I recognize the problem of bullies. In fact, I agree with Dr. Phil McGraw's first line of the foreword he wrote, "Bullies have been a huge problem for as long as there has been any kind of society." Therefore, I enjoyed Jay McGraw's "Life Strategies For Dealing With Bullies" very much. I provided me with further information for my teaching and writing, and I also have this great book on the shelf when my daughter gets a bit older. It will be a book we read and discuss together.

I like that this book teaches the reader how to help themselves, but also how to get help when bullied. No one should be intimidated, harassed, and especially physically abused, and those doing such things need to be stopped. This book has plenty of good advice on how to do just that.

The book is written so a younger person can understand it, but due to the serious topic, it is a good read for adults as well, especially those of us that are parents or work with kids. I especially liked that Jay McGraw emphasized that we must put a stop to bullying, and that starts with the reader.

The first chapter starts with a description of what bullying is. I was surprised to see that a year 2000 source claimed that more than five million students in grades six through eleven were affected by bullying. Readers will also find out there are many ways to bully, and in chapter two the focus is on e-bullying, something not around when I was a kid. Computers and technology have changed the way things are done, including bullying.

Chapter three discusses the whys of bullying and why people do it. I think this is important to know as one starts to confront bullying. Chapter four goes into the damage bullies can do, up to kids killing themselves. Reading this chapter I sure don't want any of these things to ever happen to my little girl. Chapter five helps the reader recognize when they are being bullied. Believe it or not, but some bullying is not as recognizable and obvious, but can still have harmful effects.

Chapter six is a great chapter if you think your child might be bullying others. It focuses on if you are a bully. With so many people being bullied, that means a lot are bullying. This is a good chapter to help recognize that and cut it off before it gets worse.

Chapter seven got into what I was really looking for, taking on bullies and what kids can do. This chapter is very good at helping the reader realize they have worth, and then it provides strategies to deal with bullies. When I grew up the advice for facing bullies was to stand up to them and pop them one and they would then leave you alone. This in fact does work, and has worked for people. However, I much prefer McGraw's "Fight Back Without Fighting" methods. The remind me of Bruce Lee in "Enter the Dragon," the art of fighting without fighting. With that said, I still believe there are times when physically fighting is appropriate. McGraw does not agree with me, but then he is not a martial artist and self-defense instructor. And there are times when someone must be able to stand up to bullies physically too.

The eighth chapter deals with bystanders. You might not be the victim of bullying, but as the title of chapter eight says, there are no innocent bystanders. This is a good chapter for anyone who knows of someone being bullied. Remember, this book is aimed at a younger audience, to actually help kids being bullied. So chapter nine focuses on educating parents. It tells kids how to ask for help. Chapter ten lets kids know what they can ask schools to do. And finally, chapter eleven discusses forgiving a bully.

I feel this is a very important book on a very important topic. I like that it is aimed at the younger audience, and would be very good for 9-13 year olds to read. Each chapter includes journal exercises that kids can at least think about and figure out for themselves what they can do, and what they will do.

This is a timely and much needed book. Five stars because he is addressing a very important topic. It provides tools to deal with bullies in a very direct no-nonsense approach. I recommend it for anyone who has kids that are being bullied, or for those kids who are bullies. It should also be read by those that work with kids and are in positions to help stop bullies and bullying. Stop bullying in its tracks, and start with Jay McGraw's "Life Strategies For Dealing With Bullies."

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He teaches people to live with the warrior's edge through his writing and speaking on a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety topics. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his websites and

Developing Wealth Building Habit

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Are You Experiencing a Spiritual Bypass?

Are you pursuing a spiritual path? Have you found yourself disappointed or frustrated? Either with the people or the work? Are you ready to give up?

Here is what I think is happening. There has been a great deal of interest in pursuing mystical, esoteric, spiritual mysteries. People have been jumping on the band wagon spiritual pursuit, both traditional practices and "commercialized" versions of enlightenment. What I am suggesting is that one needs psychological healing in psychotherapy before spiritual work is effective.

What is a spiritual bypass then? It is when you are not recovered from your psychological wounding, and to heal you become involved in a spiritual pursuit. Thinking this is "THE" answer to everything that has been bothering you. The outcome often is feeling let down, one loses faith and trust.

The ability to trust, have faith and have discipline to practice true spiritual pursuits requires one to have a balanced psychological foundation. With out this you are bypassing work and jumping to spirit to find peace and balance. You have no foundation to support this work and it will collapse.

Here is one example of how this might happen. Early psychological wounding (first year of life) can result in an impaired ability to form healthy attachments. The wounding to early consciousness needs to be repaired in order to provide a balanced, solid foundation. Someone wounded in this way will attach to the people and practices of the tradition in a dysfunctional way. They might want to be controlled (taken care of), becoming dependent on, or becoming so disappointed by the humanness of their companions that they reject all.

Do yourself a favor. Heal yourself in the emotional and mental realms first. Do not try to climb the ladder to the divine until the lower rungs of your ladder have been repaired.

First make sure the basics in your life are handled. You have a secure home and way of maintaining your day to day living. Then heal your psyche. Seek a therapist or group to work through any wounds, patterns or beliefs that are destructive.Counseling can help you discern what is truly healthy for you. Now when you begin your spiritual journey you are prepared to respond to the wonderful fulfillment as well as the disappointments, and frustrations along the way.

Now you are off to a good start. For more about maintaining these changes, getting through challenges, and responding to the mental and emotional changes that come along with the process, check out my website: or call me at 561-844-1340.

Recognized as a leading counselor and educator for the past twenty years, in the South Florida area, Debra Joy Goldman specializes in counseling individuals, couples and facilitating groups The mother of three adult children and grandmother of two, Debra and her husband (her high school sweetheart) have been married for 33 years and live in South Florida with their cat Leo (who really runs the house).

Meeting Your Partners Parents Ti

Catholic Europe in Vogue?

Are the Europeans about to restore the power and influence of their respective Royals? In Rome's mind, only an IMPERIAL RESTORATION can save mankind! That explains why the present pontiff has proclaimed that he's on a mission from God to unite Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals. How? By remodeling Europe after the grand design of the "Holy Roman Empire."

Recently, the Roman Catholic cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler from Austria, an advisor to the pope, reflected this position when interviewed by the German newspaper Schwabische Zeitung. When asked what ails our society, Stickler responded: "The principles that were once personified in the aristocracy of the past are now gone...The unconditional willingness to fight for the doctrines of the Holy Roman Church..." Will such a romantic view blind Europe? Will nostalgia for Europe's Catholic past soon sweep them off their feet?

Cardinal Stickler, speaking loftily of Europe's aristocrats, praised them as "loyal and devoted to the pope, politically neither right or left, only guided to realize the will of the pope and the Catholic honor...Aggressive Catholicism...only these aristocrats can save the world from moral decay."

The Vatican's working out a deal with ten European kings, with seductive offers of restoring them to political life upon their now dormant thrones, in exchange for their allegiance to the pope. Will Archduke Karl von Habsburg claim his "divine right" to the Austro-Hungarian throne? He is the heir to the "Holy Roman Empire." Will the pope soon call upon him to serve as a figurehead, an emperor of sorts, over the United Kingdoms of Europe?

What crisis will coerce Europe to hastily accept the pope's indecent proposal to recreate the continent in his image? Yeltsin's death? An economic collapse? An Islamic threat? Surely GERMANY stands ready to defend "Western Christian civilization," even if means starting World War III!

This article was originally published in The National Messenger, November/December 1996

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Bavarian Pope Entrusts Germany To Lead Europe, Others Wary Of The Grand Inquisitor

Germany to Take the EU Bull by the Horns

Europe's Bitter Roots

Babe Ruth

What is the Daniel Fast?

Even as you read these words, thousands of men and women throughout the world are seeking an answer to prayer and a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer and fasting. Perhaps the most popular form of fasting today is The Daniel Fast.

So what is the Daniel Fast and how did it come about?

If you study the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament, you will find three different accounts of the prophet's fasting experiences. Keep in mind that fasting is withholding food and/or drink for spiritual purposes.

In Daniel 1, we learn that Daniel refused the meat and wine previously offered to Babylonian gods so that he would not defile his body consecrated to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, Daniel asked those in charge to allow him and his companions to eat differently, "Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink." Daniel 1:12. It's very likely that "vegetables" also included fruit.

What was the outcome? The Bible says, "And at the end of ten days their features appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king's delicacies. Thus the steward took away their portion of delicacies and the wine that they were to drink, and gave them vegetables." Daniel 1:15, 16.

Daniel 9:3 includes another account of the prophet fasting. Here Daniel writes, "Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes." This was probably a more typical three-day fast with Daniel eating no food and drinking only water. As Daniel prayed and sought the Lord, the angel Gabriel visited him and told the prophet about what was to come.

The third fast that Daniel writes about is in Chapter 10. Because he was upset about a dream, Daniel engaged in a longer, partial fast. "In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar. The message was true, but the appointed time was long; and he understood the message, and had understanding of the vision. In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled." Daniel 10:1-3. From this we see that Daniel denied some foods, but still ate something.

These accounts, along with Jewish tradition and dietary laws, are the basis for the Daniel Fast practiced by millions of Christians every year. If you want a complete list of foods that are included and those not allowed on the Daniel Fast, merely click on the links at the end of this article.

The Daniel Fast is not linked to any specific time of year, however many churches and individual Christians engage in the 21-day spiritual fast beginning the first Sunday in January as a way to start the New Year.

And while most people follow the Daniel Fast for 21 days, it is not a time requirement. Many believers use the Daniel Fast Guidelines for a shorter 3-10 day fasting period and for as long as a 50-day fast.

The primary factor with the Daniel Fast is that it is a biblically based partial fast that provides sound guidelines for one to follow. Not only can the fast be a powerful spiritual experience, but it is also very good for one's physical health since sugar, alcohol, preservatives and animal products are all not allowed on the Daniel Fast.

That's why I call the Daniel Fast a "whole body experience." It's great for your spirit, your soul and your body!

If you want to learn more about the Daniel Fast and see the Daniel Fast Food List, please visit the Daniel Fast Weblog Leave a comment and request a PDF copy of the Daniel Food List and I will be happy to send it to you via email.

Susan Gregory has been called "The Daniel Fast Expert" and teaches about spiritual fasting on The Daniel Fast Weblog which you can visit at

Discovering Spirit And Sound

Spiritual Coaching - Will it Go 'Round in Circles?

Let's start with cause and effect.

The Law performs according to its nature, and it never disagrees with us about whatever we vibrate. Vibrate is a key word. We can affirm as much as we like, but if we have even the smallest portion of doubt, we will not manifest the experience we desire fully and maybe not at all. Why? because the Law's nature is to match what we vibrate.

When we find ourselves experiencing certain circumstances we don't like or we wish to change, we tend to focus on the circumstance. Maybe you've heard yourself say a variety of things, to yourself or others like, "I Have Got to Change This!" The act of making a statement in this way or about any condition in our life, repeating it to ourselves and/or saying it to others . . . makes the circumstance more and more like a tangible (real) thing rather than an experience . . . an effect that resulted from a cause. (Note: I'm not saying don't vent. I'm not saying deny what you feel. I am saying it's better to speak with someone who will support you properly and productively rather than join you in a pity party or repeat your "bad luck" to everyone they can think of.)

The more you perceive a circumstance as a real thing, the more life force you give it to remain in your life (so does everyone who thinks or talks about your "condition" as real). What might happen if you perceive a current condition in your life as an experience rather than a solid thing? What might happen if you ask what you can learn and how you can grow from this experience? What might happen if you write down what you prefer and ask what you might need to do to cause it into your reality?

Ask is another key word. A lot of us were told not to ask for much, not to expect much. I could go on and on about belief statements about such things. I have a surprise for you: Spirit/God/Universe/(Your Favorite Word) wants us to ask.

It's easy, because of what the world tells us is "real," to feel we're doing everything and/or doing it alone. That's impossible because Spirit is with us always and in all ways. Do you need, say, $5,000 to take care of something? Affirmation aficionados would tell us to write and affirm aloud many times a day, "I have $5,000." Ever tried that one? Why is it generally ineffective for so many?

For one thing, such a statement doesn't really engage Law of Attraction. What are we to do? How about, "Spirit, I ask that you show me how to obtain $5,000 by (date). I ask you to open me to receiving it, open me to entrusting you with the how yet taking any action you inspire me to take. I ask you to show me how to open myself to new possibilities. I ask for this or something even better."

Through such statements, you've asked for what you want or need; you've reminded yourself that Spirit is your eternal partner in all matters; you've released how fulfillment can or might happen by entrusting Spirit with the how (Spirit is a Master with the How); you've agreed to take action when inspired to do so (rather than running amok); you've agreed to trust rather than fear or doubt; and you don't impose a limit on Spirit to provide even more or something even better.

When you hold as your condition that you will be shown what to do rather than a perceived lack or limitation, Law has to obey . . . because its nature is to (say it with me) match your vibrations always and in all ways. You can apply this to money, health, love, career, and any and every matter in your life.

If you have an experience, you can bet you hold a vibration that supports it.

Joyce Shafer is a Spiritual and Life Empowerment Coach and writer ( Visit her website to learn about her extraordinary introductory coaching program, see her books and e-books, and sign up for her free newsletter. Watch for her upcoming online workshop: How to Manage Your Energy to Manage Your Manifestations.

Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lose the Flab and Feel Fab - Easy Tips on Weight Loss Goal Setting

Weight Loss Goal Setting can help you bring back your confidence and get a sense of control over your life, whether its 1lb or several 100lbs that you need to lose.


There will always be the story about the person who lost 15lbs in a week, but they are the exception. Realize that 99.9% of the time goals take time and must be done in small baby steps. Plus losing weight too quickly leads to flabby skin and people tend to put the weight back on quickly because they are not into the healthy habits.


Concentrate on changing habits. Make it a goal to eat 1 healthy meal a day for 30 days. At the end if you do not enjoy this then you can change back to normal. If you do enjoy it then carry on. It needs to become your natural response to eat this 1 healthy meal per day and then you can go on to 2 meals etc. If you do too much at once you will become overwhelmed.


Before you start any serious dieting you should visit your doctor and they will tell you the ebst course of action and wht you should be aiming for per week etc. They will also tell you if you ahve any health problems how that will affect your weight loss attempts.


Almost all diet books that come out and sell millions of copies are gobbled up by people who buy into the "I can throw money at the problem and make it go away". Well I've been there and as we all know it doesn't. Read a book called the China Study or Okinawa Program for a serious look at diets.

All in all, what you really need is a solid way of measuring and tracking your goals using proven goal setting programs and techniques. You can not build a house without a foundation, just like you can not set goals without a good program.

Now the problem is, how do we set those goals and successfully achieve them? To get this essential part of your life sorted towards looking as fantastic as you deserve Click Here!

Good People Get to Go to Heaven

I found a website that was recommended to me and it had the comment, is Jesus the only way to heaven at, Gotquestions, seems like your typical Christian website that replies with biblical quotes and simple to follow information. If I was lost, they will help me find a way. There's even a button at the bottom that states, I have accepted Christ today. I guess if I was to push that button, I get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. Hard to imagine, avoiding a life of burning in hell could be as simple as pushing a button and uttering a few simple words.

I found this question and began reading their comment. The first comment is from somebody answering as a nonbeliever in Christianity. It states something like, if I'm basically a good person and live a moral life, I get to go to heaven, right, only the bad people like murderers go to hell.

Now the answer that the website gives, seems to create fear if you do not belong to Christianity and provide you with hope if you join the group.

It mentioned Satan as the ruler of the world, and he can plant these thoughts into your head if you're not a Christian. He also controls your mind and let's you believe, that it would only make sense to any rational person, they get to go to heaven if they're good.

Now this is what makes sense to me but according to this information, I am doomed to rot in hell for eternity, even if I am a pretty good person. All I have to do is accept Christ as God and I get to go to heaven. That seems pretty easy and I wonder why more people don't do it. Just push the button.

I wonder if Satan is controlling, non-Christians minds and that's why there's brutality and war throughout the world. If everyone was a Christian, would our world be better.

Here's a quote from Wikipedia The Crusades were a series of religion-driven military campaigns waged by much of Christian Europe against external and internal opponents. Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, though campaigns were also directed against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes.

These Christian Crusades killed thousands of people. To give you an idea how many people were killed, all I had to do was type the word crusades into a search engine and it took me to the Christian Crusades.

I guess that rules that out, it seems like the Christians a long time ago were pretty aggressive towards their enemies, I wonder if most Christians would refer to these people as enemies today or are they just being controlled by Satan. Do these Christians from the Crusades get to go to heaven? If people like this get to go to heaven, may be hell is a better place anyway.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Mere Christianity

Here's something to think about, go to heaven

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Whose God is The Best

If you're part of a religious organization, and were asked this question, "Whose God Is Better" meaning of course, is your God better and stronger or smarter and better looking than the religious competition. Is this something that you believe or were taught while you were young? Obviously you wouldn't think that the Hindu god Brahma is better than Yahweh or Jesus, if you're a Christian. It just wouldn't make any sense to belong to a religion that was weaker than the competition.

It seems like most religions around the world have gods or even one almighty God that is the biggest and baddest god in the neighborhood, maybe even the entire universe.

If we look at the numbers, the Christian God Jesus of Nazareth is the strongest by far. A survey that was done in 2005, showed Christians 2.1 billion strong and growing. With numbers like this, their God must be doing something right. Do you think these numbers are large because of their financial influences in poor countries? Something to think about, how did Christianity become such a large religious institution. They've got plenty of money and pay relatively little taxes. Remember the golden rule, the person with the most gold makes all the rules.

Second on our religious scale are the Muslims, the Islamic religion has over 1.1 billion followers and that puts it at almost half the size of Christianity, but more than doubled the size of the third largest religion by the numbers.

The third largest religion in the world is Hinduism and most of India which is second only to China as the most populated countries in the world are Hindus. Hinduism ranks around 800 million followers.

I'll stop right there. I wanted to give you an idea of religion by the numbers, realistically the Christians and the Muslims believe in the same God but the Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet and the Christians don't recognize Mohammad at all and Mohammad is the number one prophet for the Islamic religion. But if we put the two of them together, it would be the largest religion by far with almost no competition economically or with military strength.

So to answer our question," Whose God Is Actually Better", I would have to say the Christian God is the most popular and powerful God and the universe. The only problem is, there's no actual proof that Jesus, Mohammed, Yahweh, Krishna or any other supreme being is real. People follow these religions and base almost everything on faith with very little facts that can actually be proven.

I'm not talking about small facts, I'm talking about big ones like, how the world was created, you can choose to believe, anything that you want but until we have some facts or at least something that sounds pretty good, you should probably stop thinking, that your religion is the only way and your God the best. Show some compassion for other religions around the world, their beliefs are no better or weaker than yours.

Hope in Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, religious books