Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lose the Flab and Feel Fab - Easy Tips on Weight Loss Goal Setting

Weight Loss Goal Setting can help you bring back your confidence and get a sense of control over your life, whether its 1lb or several 100lbs that you need to lose.


There will always be the story about the person who lost 15lbs in a week, but they are the exception. Realize that 99.9% of the time goals take time and must be done in small baby steps. Plus losing weight too quickly leads to flabby skin and people tend to put the weight back on quickly because they are not into the healthy habits.


Concentrate on changing habits. Make it a goal to eat 1 healthy meal a day for 30 days. At the end if you do not enjoy this then you can change back to normal. If you do enjoy it then carry on. It needs to become your natural response to eat this 1 healthy meal per day and then you can go on to 2 meals etc. If you do too much at once you will become overwhelmed.


Before you start any serious dieting you should visit your doctor and they will tell you the ebst course of action and wht you should be aiming for per week etc. They will also tell you if you ahve any health problems how that will affect your weight loss attempts.


Almost all diet books that come out and sell millions of copies are gobbled up by people who buy into the "I can throw money at the problem and make it go away". Well I've been there and as we all know it doesn't. Read a book called the China Study or Okinawa Program for a serious look at diets.

All in all, what you really need is a solid way of measuring and tracking your goals using proven goal setting programs and techniques. You can not build a house without a foundation, just like you can not set goals without a good program.

Now the problem is, how do we set those goals and successfully achieve them? To get this essential part of your life sorted towards looking as fantastic as you deserve Click Here!

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