Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spiritual Coaching - Will it Go 'Round in Circles?

Let's start with cause and effect.

The Law performs according to its nature, and it never disagrees with us about whatever we vibrate. Vibrate is a key word. We can affirm as much as we like, but if we have even the smallest portion of doubt, we will not manifest the experience we desire fully and maybe not at all. Why? because the Law's nature is to match what we vibrate.

When we find ourselves experiencing certain circumstances we don't like or we wish to change, we tend to focus on the circumstance. Maybe you've heard yourself say a variety of things, to yourself or others like, "I Have Got to Change This!" The act of making a statement in this way or about any condition in our life, repeating it to ourselves and/or saying it to others . . . makes the circumstance more and more like a tangible (real) thing rather than an experience . . . an effect that resulted from a cause. (Note: I'm not saying don't vent. I'm not saying deny what you feel. I am saying it's better to speak with someone who will support you properly and productively rather than join you in a pity party or repeat your "bad luck" to everyone they can think of.)

The more you perceive a circumstance as a real thing, the more life force you give it to remain in your life (so does everyone who thinks or talks about your "condition" as real). What might happen if you perceive a current condition in your life as an experience rather than a solid thing? What might happen if you ask what you can learn and how you can grow from this experience? What might happen if you write down what you prefer and ask what you might need to do to cause it into your reality?

Ask is another key word. A lot of us were told not to ask for much, not to expect much. I could go on and on about belief statements about such things. I have a surprise for you: Spirit/God/Universe/(Your Favorite Word) wants us to ask.

It's easy, because of what the world tells us is "real," to feel we're doing everything and/or doing it alone. That's impossible because Spirit is with us always and in all ways. Do you need, say, $5,000 to take care of something? Affirmation aficionados would tell us to write and affirm aloud many times a day, "I have $5,000." Ever tried that one? Why is it generally ineffective for so many?

For one thing, such a statement doesn't really engage Law of Attraction. What are we to do? How about, "Spirit, I ask that you show me how to obtain $5,000 by (date). I ask you to open me to receiving it, open me to entrusting you with the how yet taking any action you inspire me to take. I ask you to show me how to open myself to new possibilities. I ask for this or something even better."

Through such statements, you've asked for what you want or need; you've reminded yourself that Spirit is your eternal partner in all matters; you've released how fulfillment can or might happen by entrusting Spirit with the how (Spirit is a Master with the How); you've agreed to take action when inspired to do so (rather than running amok); you've agreed to trust rather than fear or doubt; and you don't impose a limit on Spirit to provide even more or something even better.

When you hold as your condition that you will be shown what to do rather than a perceived lack or limitation, Law has to obey . . . because its nature is to (say it with me) match your vibrations always and in all ways. You can apply this to money, health, love, career, and any and every matter in your life.

If you have an experience, you can bet you hold a vibration that supports it.

Joyce Shafer is a Spiritual and Life Empowerment Coach and writer ( Visit her website to learn about her extraordinary introductory coaching program, see her books and e-books, and sign up for her free newsletter. Watch for her upcoming online workshop: How to Manage Your Energy to Manage Your Manifestations.

Oprah Winfrey

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