Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Positive Thinking - How to Set Yourself Up For a Great Day

While you can't always control what happens to you during the day, you can control how much it affects you. Your own thoughts and feelings are what create your inner reality.And your inner reality is what ultimately affects your mood and sense of well being.You can create the right mindset to keep your inner reality positive.One way to achieve this is to by using intentions and visualisation to set you up for a great day.

First thing in the morning, when you first awaken, spend some time to think about how you'd like your day to go.Think about how you'd like to think and feel, rather than what you'd like to happen to you.Regardless of how many times you've watched "The Secret", thinking about winning a million dollars won't necessarily make it happen. Remember that you can control your reactions to events more than the events themselves.For example, if you have a big presentation at work, you can ask yourself what inner resources you would need to set yourself up for the day. Maybe you'd like more clarity, self-assurance and a feeling of calmness.Or you may want to feel more professional and speak with conviction. Only you know what you need. This is your day that you're setting up!

Grab a notebook and write these details down. Then get yourself in a comfortable position (but not lying down, you don't want to fall back to sleep!). Next take a couple of deep breaths and let your mind settle a little. Then spend a few minutes using your imagination to envision yourself thinking and behaving exactly as you as you'd like to for that day.Many people like to close their eyes to do this so that they can really focus on their visualisation. Make it as vivid as you can, with as many details as possible. Most importantly, allow yourself to really feel as if it's happening right now.Experience exactly how you'd like to feel throughout your day, with all the inner resources that you wrote down earlier.

Once you've finished, you'll be feeling fantastic and completely confident about the day ahead! And as you go through your day, just notice all the positive thoughts and feelings that you have. Each time you recognise that you are using one of the inner resources that you wrote down that morning, you automatically reaffirm those positive feelings.

You don't need to wait for a special event to use this process. In fact, by going through this exercise on a daily basis, you will become better at both visualising your day and accessing your inner resources.

Another great way to access your inner resources is with self hypnosis. Visit http://mindmessages.com today to claim your free self hypnosis download.

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