Monday, May 25, 2009

Using Assertiveness Skills to Get the Promotion You Deserve

There will be times in your life when you will work really hard and give all there is to give on a job or project, yet still be overlooked for that promotion. There are many instances wherein people are appropriate for a promotion, but fail to get recognized by their boss, superior, or company.

If you have been in this situation or are in one now, it can be troubling not to mention quite confusing. That's because for as far back as you can remember, you've been taught by your mother, teacher, professor, your mentor that if you work hard, you will be rewarded. And now that you've put in the effort and shown real signs of dedication, you feel as though you've been left out in the cold.

Well, what that advice givers in your life failed to tell you is that sometimes hard work is not enough. Sometimes, especially in the corporate world, you need to learn how to be assertive if you wish to seek career growth. You have to stand up for what you have deservingly earned and assert yourself.

Now, you have to realize, there is a difference between assertiveness and aggression. Aggressiveness causes a person to be hostile and makes them defend themselves in an unpleasing manner. An aggressive person who acts this way usually loses the respect and reverence of his supervisors, and with that, any ability to negotiate.

On the contrary, assertiveness skills have to do with communication development. You try to win your side by presenting the facts and asking for the right deal using the right approach. Being assertive simply means getting what you deserve and still maintaining a level of respect with your superiors.

So how can you use assertiveness skills to successfully get a promotion or raise?

First, you have to be ready. This means figuring out exactly what you want. If you want a promotion, what position do you want? If you desire a raise, exactly how much of a raise do you desire? Strictly no beating around the bush

Being ready also means being prepared to meet with your boss. Know what you are going to say and how you are going to say it. Try to imagine how you would want the scene to play out. Remember that it should be a peaceful, straight to the point discussion.

Second, you have to keep an open mind. Listen to your boss and understand what he is saying. If you disagree with something he or she is saying, keep it in mind but don't interrupt. Let him have the floor and see the situation from your boss' point of you. If you are confused or unsure about any of his statements, ask him to elaborate.

Next, make sure to acknowledge your boss' point of view. Acknowledge that you were listening and that you understand what he said. Communication is effective when the conversation moves back and forth correctly with a speaker, message, listener, and feedback. Give your boss feedback.

Now, it is time to make your point. Let your boss know why you deserve the promotion or raise. Use the 4 C's of successful arguing - be clear, concise, coherent and complete. Do not squeak or ramble. Maintain a steady composure throughout the meeting, interrupting only if the need arises.

Finally, try to come to an agreement with your boss. Again, don't back down nor get too aggressive. Stay relaxed and maintain composure. Be open to a compromise. Compromise doesn't mean you lost, it only shows that you are mature enough and ready to meet halfway. In fact, it is a win-win situation for both of you and that is what developing assertiveness skills is all about.

So if are in a job and you feel your supervisor or company is not recognizing your hard work, don't passively sit around waiting for something to happen. More than likely, nothing will happen. And if something does, it will be you building up negative feelings and attitudes towards your work. Instead, stand up and assert yourself. Use the assertiveness skills in this article to get the raise or promotion you rightfully deserve. You will be glad you did!, Inc. is a self help and personal development company offering quality self help ebooks on numerous subjects from Anger Management Tips to Time Management Techniques to Assertiveness Skills

To learn how they can help you improve yourself, visit them at

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